18. Crib climbing

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Nini didn't get much sleep that night. Between the situation with Scott and her nerves at the prospect of meeting Ricky's family, she ended up tossing and turning for hours after she'd gone to bed. In the end, she resorted to grabbing the book she was currently reading off of her nightstand to read another few chapter in hopes that would help her fall asleep.

Xavier managed to climb out of his crib early the next morning and ran into Nini's bedroom. Using all of his strength he climbed up onto her bed and jumped on top of her.

Nini felt very tired disoriented and unrested, sweeping her hair out of her face so that she could look at her son. It only hit her after a few seconds that Xavier shouldn't be able to be there.

"Xavier!" she gasped, sitting up straight. "What are you doing out of your crib?" she asked him, scared and confused.

Xavier just shrugged in response, "I wasn't seepy anymore."

"Did you get out all on your own?"

"Yep!" he grinned proudly.

Nini ran her fingers through her tangled mane before taking a hold of it and tying it up. It'd have to do until she could shower.

"You can't do that again baby, okay? You'll hurt yourself if you fall," shape warned him, wrapping her arms around him. "Okay?"

Xavier frowned, "Otay mama, I'm sowwy."

"It's okay, I'm not upset Xavier. I just don't want you to get hurt," Nini smiled at him before continuing in a much more gleeful tone. "Are you excited to go see Alex and Maya again today?"



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"Hi," Nini smiled at Ricky after him and Xavier shared the most heartwarming embrace she'd ever seen in her life. She was almost in tears watching Xavier sprint into his awaiting arms.

Ricky was waiting outside his apartment door and as soon as heard the little feet running towards him, he bent down in preparation. He didn't care if he looked weird waiting with his arms open for ten seconds, it was all worth it when he felt the little boy's body in his arms.

Ricky stood up with Xavier clinging to his neck, not willing to let go and reached out for Nini's wrist to tug her towards him for a quick kiss hello.

Xavier smirked mischievously.

"You ready to go?" Nini asked, glancing at her son and giving him a small smile.

"Yeah," Ricky answered, before locking his apartment door. They started making their way towards the elevator and once they got there, Xavier begged to press the button so Ricky set him down on the ground so he could, making the little boy whine. "I'll hold you again once you've pressed the button, okay?"

"Okie!" Xavier hurried as fast he could to press the button and snuggle back into the man's arms, missing his warmth.

"Feel like making a pit stop before we head up there? My mom called and asked me to get something for dessert. I was thinking of getting donuts from this bakery just a few minutes away," Ricky asked as the doors slid open and they walked in.

"Which button do I press, mama?" Xavier asked.

"Basement," both Ricky and Nini answered in unison.

"Dat button?" he asked pointing at the B button.

"Yep, that's the letter B," Nini nodded before glancing up at Ricky. "I don't mind stopping, especially if it's for donuts, traffic's pretty intense though. I'm guessing a lot of people are going out of town for the weekend too."

"We've got plenty of time," Ricky said, looking quite unconcerned.

"Mama, what are those little buttons on da big ones?" Xavier interrupted, inspecting the buttons on the wall.

"It's Braille, baby, they're letter that you can touch with your fingers so that you can read them even if you can't see," she explained, glancing at Ricky for his approval.

"So dat Ricky knows which button to press?"

"That's exactly right, otherwise I'd be trying to break into other people's apartments by mistake," Ricky smirked making the little boy giggle. "You can get books in Braille too," he added as they exited the elevator and made their way towards the car. Gina let Nini borrow her car for the weekend seeing as she's out of town with EJ and they took his car.

"You can read books wif your fingers?"

Ricky chuckled, "I can."

"Dats so cool!" Xavier beamed, practically bouncing as they reach the car.

"Alright little monkey, calm down so I can get you in your car seat," Nini giggled, opening the door on the passenger side. The toddler let his mom take him from Ricky so she could lift him into his seat. Once he was all buckled in, she walked around and climbed into the driver's while Ricky got Ellie situated in the backseat with Xavier before climbed into the passenger's seat himself. Xavier, why don't you tell Ricky what you did this morning?" she asked, giving him a pointed look through the rear view mirror.

Xavier went dead silent, but he had a very mischievous grin on his face.

"He climbed out of his crib all by himself."

"Mama wasn't happy," Xavier smirked.

"I guess not," Ricky said, his lips forming into a grin, almost the exacts same as Xavier's. The little boy couldn't see it from the backseat, but Nini caught a glimpse of it. "You could've gotten yourself hurt and that would've made your mom very sad," he added in a serious tone despite the smirk on his face.

Nini didn't say anything about it, focusing in stead on the road, but she still smiled to herself. She was really glad that he was going along and supporting the same statement she made earlier that morning.

If Xavier wasn't going to listen to her then maybe he'd listen to Ricky.

omg thank you guys so much for all the birthday wishes! they made my day honestly so here's a purely fluff update for you. ricky and xavier are like serotonin to me whenever i write them, I love them more than xavier and nini and they are so adorable as well. cutest family ever imo, scott who?

lmao anyways, i'm also surprised people even want to read my story so thank you so much!!! i love you muah

caity xx

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