30. Build-a-bear

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"So Ricky is the boyfriend?" Hailey clarified, taking a sip of her coffee.

About a week after Nini's sister had first texted her, they both finally found the time to catch up over coffee.

"Yep," Nini nodded.

"And this Scott guy... he's the baby daddy?"

"Yes," Nini answered, her eyes narrowing angrily just thinking about him.

"Okay, and did you beat him up for what he did to you yet or are you waiting for a court order or something?" Hailey asked angrily. "I mean seriously, he hit your boyfriend when he had your kid in his arms? That means Xavier saw the whole thing! Fuck, Nini, that's so messed up!"

Nini sighed, running her fingers through her hair in frustration, "I haven't talked to Scott, I'm afraid of what I might say if I do. Ive talked to Ricky's mom about it tho, she worked as a paralegal. She said it's be best if I kept away from him completely, especially if I'm trying to get a restraining order against him. But trust me, it has definitely crossed her mind more than once or twice.

"If I were Ricky I would've totally socked him right back," Hailey huffed.

Nini smirked, "I'm willing to bet Ricky can punch harder considering he's bigger than him. He probably would've put him in hospital."

The younger of the two sisters snorted, "I'm just imagining a blind guy kicking your ex's ass. Oh man, I'd pay good money to see that."

Nini forgot how good it felt to talk to her sister. She missed her. She forgotten how much fun they used to have and how easily they could talk to one another about stuff.

"So, I told moms that I've been in contact with you," Hailey said quietly after a moment.

Nini's breath hitched, she wanted to be mad at her for doing that, but when she spoke her voice came out more scared than anything.

"What did they say?"

Hailey murmured, "They said they'd like to see you...." Nini glared at her. "I was just trying to help! I'm sure Liam and Tyler would love to see you too! Did you know Tyler's getting married this summer? It'd be cool if you could come, he'd want you to," she added all in one breath.

Nini glared at the table, her appetite suddenly gone.

"What about Lola? I'm sure she's just dying to see me," she said sarcastically. "Maybe she'll want to call me a fucking whore again. I could bring Xavier too, that'd be great! His great grandmother can tell him to his face that he should've been aborted."

Hailey's face went white.

"Did she really say that to you?"

"Among other things."

Hailey frowned, "I'm so sorry, I-I had no idea."

"You were just a kid," Nini told her, reaching across the table and grabbing her sister's hand.

"So were you," she murmured.

"Hails, it's okay, I promise. I'm doing just fine for myself, you don't have to worry about me. I have a great guy and the most beautiful son," Nini said, giving the sixteen year-old's hand a reassuring squeeze. "But I'm sorry, I don't think I can handle seeing everyone right now."

"It's okay, I get it," Hailey said with a reassuring smile.

"You do?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "But we can still hang out, right? I missed having my sister around when I needed to talk about boys and booze."

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