Diavolo-Enchanted Pudding Pt. 2 (SFW)

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I took stock of myself. I seemed okay, though I hadn't noticed much different before. I guess the only thing I could say for sure was that it seemed like the heat on my skin calmed down.

"I think I'm fine now."

Diavolo breathed a sigh of relief and stepped further into his room. "Good. Barbatos told me that it had probably worn off by now. I'm glad you didn't eat more of the pudding."

He walked to the edge of the bed and placed a cool hand to my forehead, testing my temperature.

"The heat I felt was a part of that then?" I asked, wanting to confirm I wasn't also sick.

"Yes. The pheromones release a lot of heat. Especially as you get closer to a potential mate. But it feels like it's worn off now. When you fainted earlier you were burning up so badly I thought you might never wake up."

I grimaced at the thought. "Thank you for rescuing me by the way. I was really worried once I realized what was going on."

He smiled fondly, hand dropping from my forehead to his side. "Don't thank me. It was my fault to begin with. I'm just glad you're alright...now..."

He trailed off. There was an odd expression on his face, almost like he was in pain. Before I could question it, heat slammed into me like a wrecking ball. It felt like somebody had covered me with gasoline and lit me on fire all of a sudden. I whimpered in pain and Diavolo froze completely.

"Y/n, I don't think it's over yet." He mumbled tensely.

"Can you leave?" I asked, fighting through the urge to throw all my clothes off and bury myself in an ice bath.

"I...I don't know. It's extremely strong."

I took stock of our situation. Diavolo was having trouble and I was burning up. If he moved away, both of our problems would be solved for now. But it didn't seem like he could do that. As I was trying to find a solution, something in me felt sure if he satisfied some of his hunger, he would be okay.  Normally I would have questioned that idea, but I was so uncomfortable 

"Diavolo, kiss me then see if you can move away."

His expression turned incredulous. "What?"

"I have a feeling that if you satisfy yourself a bit you might have enough control to move away." He shook his head vehemently.

"No. I will not put you in danger. Especially not from me."

I looked into his golden eyes and saw fear. He was afraid for me. My heart melted a bit in that moment, so grateful he cared.

"You would never hurt me. I trust that if I asked you to stop, you would. Your body won't let you move away right now, so please trust me and kiss me."

He studied me for a moment. I could practically see his mind turning and in another situation it might have made me smile. Right now, however, I could only hope he'd listen. After a few long seconds he nodded.

"I trust you."

He leaned forward, and I found myself hypnotized by his gaze. He looked so intense, so focused on every inch of my face that I couldn't help the blush that rose up.

One of his hands brushed my cheek softly and I closed my eyes, relishing in the feeling. When I opened them again, I saw Diavolo watching my reaction hungrily. I blushed even harder and he smiled a small predatory grin. It was a look I never could have imagined on his face.

Before I could think twice about all this, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. The second they touched it felt like all the heat in my body was immediately soothed. I moaned at the feeling of relief and he began moving against my mouth. He plundered my mouth desperately at first, then after a few minutes he began to grow playful, nipping and sucking at my lips. All the while I found myself deep in bliss in a way I never knew a kiss could make me. His mouth was so soft and tasted so sweet that I could kiss him forever and never get tired of it.

He finally slowed, giving me one more languid kiss before pulling away. I was breathing hard by this point, and when I finally opened my eyes I was treated with the most satisfied, content look I'd ever seen on anyone. If he was a cat, I swear he'd be purring.

"You were right.  It was enough, I can move now.  I'd better go." He whispered sweetly.

Diavolo sighed, giving me a brilliant smile as he stood up and walked to the doorway of the bedroom. I watched him go unhappily. I wanted more of those addicting kisses, but I somehow couldn't bring myself to speak. I felt so good after kissing him that I wasn't sure I could move much at all.

He glanced at me again before walking out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

The second he walked out of the room, whatever spell had been cast on me disappeared. What was I thinking, I wanted more? What just happened? I was struggling to come to terms with the reality of it all.

Diavolo kissed me. Diavolo kissed me. I never thought that would ever happen.  Some of the brothers seemed at times to have a crush on me, but Diavolo had never done anything to indicate that, so I never could have imagined him kissing me with such fervor.  And what's even weirder is that I enjoyed it so much.  It was not my first kiss.  That belonged to my first boyfriend: poor, awkward David.  He'd been such a bad kisser that I never wanted a second kiss with anyone.  I'd heard of people enjoying kissing, but after my experience I thought they were crazy.  Now, however, I could definitely understand.  Was kissing this good with everyone, or was it just Diavolo?

I collapsed back on the bed, taking a deep breath.  Even if I'd never thought of Diavolo that way before, I didn't think I could think of him any other way now.  We'd crossed a line that I wasn't sure could be uncrossed.  I'd always been extremely physically aware of him.  It was no secret that he was handsome after all.  But knowing what he tasted like and how he could look at me made me aware of him to a different level than before.

Whatever.  I'd have to put those thoughts on the backburner.  Right now I needed to sleep.  I felt exhausted; it'd been a long day.  Hopefully I could put all this behind me tomorrow.

Obey Me Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें