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Time Skip, camping day

"Everyone's here?"their prof asks

"No sir!2girls are missing"a student answered

"Good Morning sir,My Sister can't attend,so i'm the only one,Anywah sir,I'm from group 7"that familiar voice Snapped ruby's throughs

"Damn,I guess we git company again"ruby mumbled

"Indeed"her squad spokes

"So!hop on in!we dont have all day"

"Yes sir!"

'Control yourself Miss,i might kill you i if you do somethin,I'm warning you kate'
Group 5 seatmates

Irene nayeon
Jisoo Jennie
Jeongyeon Jihyo
Mina chaeyoung
Tzuyu Sana
Momo dahyun

"You okay Chu?"

"Yea,just...Little dizzy"

"Here,this may help"ruby handed her a bottled water

"Thanks"ruby was about to get the water when she noticed how jisoo was staring at her

They made an eye contact (i gotta admit,This was cringe)

Then ruby got a massage


You gotta stop staring to each other
My seatmate might kill you two

Ruby looked infront

Another Serious irene😌

Ruby fake caughs

Ruby noticed how jisoo was having hard time Sleeping,She gets closer to her and Lay her head on her shoulder then


Ruby looked

"Caught in 3k Ruby"jeong sabotaged


"You know you're so cute!,aish i might put you on my pocket"ruby whispers then she kissed jisoo's forehead

Ruby widened her eyes whne she noticed jisoo was blushing

"You're awake?!"jisoo smiles

"YAH!YOU'RE AWA-"jisoo cut jennie by sudden hand on mouth

"YAH!you gross!!"ruby acts like lil kid

"Nah,You'll hold it soon anyway"ruby's time to blush

"Let's just sleep,i'm tireddd chuuuuuuuuuu"she do aegyo

"You look cute,i might kiss you"

"Only if you can"ruby teased

"Of course i can,i'm not a dork like yo-"jennie cut her by real kiss on lips

Jisoo was now blushing madly

"You!y-you took my first kiss!!"jisoo shouted earnibg other student's attention

"Who's Dork now?"ruby smirked then she peck on her lips

"You guys were cut in 4K"jihyo laughed

"Huh?"they looked around seieng student's look on them

"Make it 5"jeongyeon shows her phone

She was fvcking filming


Then theres irene who's on bad mood😇

"I'lk give you 3hours to rest students,Now,I bet you have tents per group!,"students were about to build their group tents when

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