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*No one's Pov*

"You okay Ruby?"

"What the okay"

"You don't look like it"


"I mean..look...after you two kissed,you excused yourself,You can tell me"

Ruby sighed

"I-its..j-just..i don't understand myself,w-whenever i'm with jisoo,I felt like cheating on Irene,then..when im with Irene...i felt the same way to fucked up"

"Who wouldn't?i think you like both of them"

"I know..i just...don't understand"

"Damn you're that charming eh?Imagine,One girl,made 3girls fall in love with her?,Make your final decision ruby,like what i did"

"Like what you did?what do you mea-..wait..what?!Three?!I...i don't..understand.."

Nayeon chuckled

"You know...I let go and moved on on someone that will never be mine"

"Are you and jeongyeon fought or somethin?"

"Nah,You're kinda dense tho"


"I like you ruby."

"You're kidding,stop messing around nayeon"

"I'm serious.I like you ruby,...But....seeing my cousin..who's still in love with you makes me hurt,She's like sister to me,i can't stand seeing her hurting"

" surprised...sorry...n-nayeon..i can't l-like you back..j-just"

"It's okay,Xan you see?three girls who looked like bunnies,yku made them fall in love with you without knowing"

"Whaaa?eh?if you're one out of three,whos the othe two?"

"Irene and jisoo"

"Irene and ji-WHAT?!what the heck."

"Don't worry,They were just fightibg over you"nayeon giggled

"Yah!am i that charming?"

"Nah,Irene unnie?she doesn't care if you're charming,Just Being cute and Kind hearted will do"


"From the first,i know she's Hyun,Second...the time that both of you are rooftop...i was's not just me who's listening tho"


"Also jisoo,she knows it"

"What on earth is happening"

"Cut your hair Ruby"

"Yah!aishhh...what will i do now?"

"Do you still LOVE her?"

"I...I don't know.."

"That's Hardcore"


"She also have suitor Ruby"

"She have WHAT?!"

"suitor,from korea?i think?"

"Do you know her name?"


.....Kang Seulgi from Seoul Kim University,Where you cane from"

Ruby chuckled

"What a small world,My bestfriend?!in love with irene?damn"

"You know her?"

"Yea,We have squad to be honest,Seulgi,Momo,Yeri,Wendy,Sooyoung,Well..wendy is from other school, close with her"

"Woah woah hold on,You're being friends with rich kids?!Seulgi,wendy,sooyoung and yeri are unnie's bestfriends tho"


"First,My unnie's Squad,second,Momo,Third Lalisa,Who are you really?"

Ruby sighed

"I bet i can trust you"

"Of course,why?are you hiding sometging from us?"

Ruby looked around,no one's there

"Im not really a scholar"


"And..Ruby jane is not really my name,'s just my second name"

"Whaaa?i don't understand"

"You're standing infront of Jennie Kim,known as ruby jane"

"Okay Jennie ki-..WAITT..hold onn..You're the one's that momo's talking about!"

"Shhhh,What do you mean?"

"Well,She said,they have a really good council and top student,also rich kid,Her name was Jennie kim,she didn't show me your picture tho"


"Are still giding something?"

"Nayeon,..Im not just a rich kid,im the daughter of Kim Jiyong and kim Chaerin"

"The famous singers,dancers and rappe-wait..WHAT?!"

"Shocking right?i hate this life,The two persons i'm living with was my Uncle and Auntie,Well..we called them mom and dad to cover us,.but..We're just blood related"

"You shocked me well Ms.Kim"
"Wait..'we'? What do you mean?"

"Congratulations Miss Im Nayeon,you're the first person who now knows me well,And..i have a brother..Long distance Rekationship with our parents was..Really hard"

"Damn ruby,you gotta spill everything to me"

"Yea yea,soon..Maybe they're wating for us"



"Please don't tell this to anyone,i have my own reasons for this okay?"

"Of course,you can trust me"

"Thank you so much yeon-ah"
Short break; Momo transfered weeks ago in their school so she's with them


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