Chapter ten

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Hey Guys I'm back! First of all let me apologise for being away for so long but I had some really important exams and failing them was not an option. I literally spent all my time revising, eating or sleeping so uploading a new chapter just wasn't possible.

That being said I've now finished my exams so weekly Friday uploads are back! Woohoo!

I hope you enjoy this chapter even though writing it was horrible! Getting back into the swing of writing was really difficult but I worked hard on this so I hope you enjoy BUT that being said I didn't have time to edit this properly. So please do forgive me if you come across any mistakes, I will fix them when I can :D

Thanks for reading!



I woke up the next morning feeling tired, groggy and confused. I stumbled out of bed while rubbing my eyes and somehow found my way to the bathroom to grab a shower but as I was brushing my teeth I noticed my throat was hurting. I looked into the mirror and a large, purple - almost black - hand shaped bruise wrapped around my neck. One glance told me no amount of makeup would be able to cover it up. For a brief second I wondered how it got there but then all of yesterday's happenings rushed back to me. I contemplated going into class with a scarf on but threw that idea out the window almost immediately. It would look odd if I sat in class with a scarf on and I know the teachers would ask me to take it off. My best bet would be to just stay home for a few and get back to college when the bruises light enough to be covered up.

I went downstairs, unplugged the house phone and turned off my cell. I didn't want anyone from calling up and asking why I wasn't in, especially Minnie or Aden. I didn't want to lie to my friends but above all I had a feeling Luke was a lot more dangerous than he let on and I didn't want to involve them in anything - although facing the wrath of Minnie was enough to make me seriously reconsider my decision to not get them involved.

I spent the rest of the week at home catching up on work and watching a lot of bad daytime TV. My mum worked until late every evening so by the time she came home I was already asleep. The week dragged on and by Friday but I was bored out my mind. I had no more work to do and the thought of watching one more Jerry Springer episode had me feeling physically nauseous.

I literally couldn't wait to get back to college; I missed civilization - even Minnie's craziness. I didn't realise it until now but I actually enjoyed college and being cooped up in my house for the better part of a week was starting to slowly drive me mad. I was so happy that my bruises had finally started to fade, they were now an ugly dark brown colour but it was fixable with a generous amount of foundation and concealer.

I actually regretted turning off my phone, I hadn't heard from Minnie and Aden in a week but on the bright side college was already finished for the day and I was fully expecting a pissed Minnie to burst through my door any minute. I'd already gotten dressed and covered my bruises with foundation, not even five minutes later my doorbell rang and I skipped to the door.

"Oh my god I missed you so mu-" I yelled as I threw the door open but the sight before me had me swallowing my words. Mr Davies was stood on my porch with a satchel casually strung across his shoulder, grinning wickedly at me and looking as sexy as ever.

"Well Miss Shayk, that wasn't exactly the greeting I was expecting but I'll gladly take it and I missed you too." He told me and winked at me.

We stood there staring at each other for a long time before he finally shrugged and said "Well if you won't invite me in then I will." as he brushed past me and entered my house. As far as I remembered I basically told him I hated his guts the last time we spoke and he turns up at my house acting as if nothing happened. Men will forever be a mystery.

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