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Class is kinda boring this afternoon but thankfully time flies. As you leave the classroom you sigh with relief and stretch. "I'm exhausted, thank the lord it's over!" Laura sneers. "Not for you babe, your hour of detention, do you remember?"

(y/n): Yeah true, I have to go see my girlfriend.

Andre: Girlfriend already? I hope she knows!

(y/n): Who said she needed to?

Max:  Are you going late?

(y/n): For once no, she already saved my skin for last Friday, I don't want to play with fire.

Katy: You're right, but you better tell us everything tonight!

(y/n): Yes of course I'll call you guys.

You say goodbye to them and go to the detention room, when you arrive you see Charlize putting some papers away on her desk. You don't go into the room directly you just observe her for a few seconds and then you enter.

(y/n): Either I'm the only one in detention or I'm very early.

Charlize: Well since it's just the beginning of the year, yes you're the only one in detention. You are right on time, I am impressed.

(y/n): See? I can do it when I want to and with the right motivation.

Charlize: And what was your motivation?

(y/n): To see your beautiful eyes of course.

You wink at her and she laughs raising her eyebrows. You toss your bag at random and sit on the table closest to the office. "It's just you and me then." She goes in front of the desk and leans on it. "Good, we have to talk." You really don't like this sentence but you are going to spend an hour with Charlize so in your head you are in heaven.

Charlize: I want to know why you were so angry last Friday, what's going on?

(y/n): Okay, so it's been a very long time that I have problems with my mother, our relationship is really starting to be unhealthy. She always tells me that she never wanted me, that she should have had an abortion because she would never have wanted someone like me for a daughter and to top it off she is homophobic and insult me all the time because I'm gay and other things. It wouldn't be funny otherwise...

Charlize: (y/n)...

You were still sitting on the table so Charlize comes up to you and takes one of your hands in hers. The sensation is very pleasant and you start to feel the butterflies in your stomach since her body is very close to yours. Since she is taller than you, your eyes meet perfectly. (Btw if you're tall, she's taller cuz I said so) You give everything you have to not blush. You stay like that for a while with your eyes fixed on the other's and Charlize makes little circles with her thumb on your hand to reassure you. You take a deep breath before continuing to speak.

(y/n): It got worse lately so I got fed up and left the house. When we passed each other in the street, I was going to Katy's and stayed there all week. Then when you dropped me off at my house I went through the window to get some things and left to sleep in an abandoned place that I knew. Sunday there was a sleepover at Laura's place so I slept there and told my friends about it and we concluded that while waiting for me to find a place, I could take turns sleeping at their place. So as not to have to deal with my mother anymore. She doesn't even care, she just texted me Friday morning to see if I was alive. In short, she doesn't give a damn about me.

She squeezes your hand to give you strength.

Charlize: (y/n) it must be such an uncomfortable situation and I understand better now that you are not feeling well. That's why you hate that girl so much, the one who made an homophobic remark, subconsciously you might have related her to your mother and released all your rage on her.

(y/n): Yea it actually makes sense.

Charlize: And for your situation, your friends are very nice but it can't stay like this forever. You deserve to feel the safety of having a home.

(y/n):  I know, but in the meantime it's the best solution we've found.

Charlize: And for now it's great but listen, as your main teacher I care about you. I have a friend who rents apartments and organizes roommates. I'll ask her if she has something affordable for you.

(y/n): I'm currently searching but I don't mind some help. Thank you very much Charlize, that's nice of you.

Charlize: No problem sweetheart.

You blush uncontrollably and Charlize notices right away.

Charlize: Are you okay?

(y/n): Yea it's just all those little names you give me, I find that adorable.

Charlize: It suits you, adorable...

(y/n): Stooop I can't stop blushing!

Charlize: So what? there is no harm in blushing!

(y/n): Charlize you are beautiful, maybe even the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

Her cheeks turn red.

(y/n): SEE! Now you're the one blushing!

Charlize: Oh so it's a game now?

(y/n): It would be a fun game actually.

You keep talking for the whole hour and you learn a lot about each other, by the end of the hour you are almost disappointed that it's already over. Charlize offers to drop you off, but you don't know where you're going to sleep yet. You remember that Max proposed to you so you call him and take his address so that Charlize can take you there. You walk to the car and it's like a habit now. As you get inside, Charlize tells you to choose the music and you search for something you can sing together. At one point you land on the spice girls and as you see charlize's face light up. You play "Say you'll be there" and sing together again until you get to Max's house. He was in front of the house waiting for you and you see him widen his eyes when noticing that you are in Charlize's car. You thank her for everything and you join Max who still looked shocked. "You better give me explanations gurl!"

Belly hurts that's all I have to say for today


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