small talk

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You feel so good in Charlize's arms, you could stay there forever but you still want to take care of your new house and you have to go through Laura's place too. After a while you let go of each other and you explain to Charlize that you're going to clean the house a little and especially rest to understand the news. "Alright, are you going to be okay?" You nod. "Okay you have my number anyway if you need anything." "Thank you Charlize, really, for everything." She smiles at you and leaves as you wave her goodbye. Then you go inside and the first thing you do is get rid of all of your mom's things and do some cleaning because your mom didn't care about cleanliness at this point. When you are done you are proud of yourself but completely exhausted. 

You leave and go to Laura's house since she doesn't live far from you. You have to get your things back and tell your friends everything that happened. When you arrive you see that almost everyone is still asleep and those who are awake look exhausted. You go up to Laura's, your friends are probably there. Indeed Max sleeps on a mattress on the floor next to Jeff. Dita and Lily also sleep in this room. Andre is at the foot of the bed, Laura sleeps on the edge of it and Katy takes up most of the space in the bed. You're tired too so you go near Katy who wakes up a bit noticing movement. "(y/n)? ur back!" "Yes I didn't mean to wake you up sorry." "Not a big deal, come here." She opens her arms so that you get closer and you stay in a hugging position.

 You close your eyes and sleep a little. You wake up maybe an hour or two later and this time everyone starts to wake up, Andre is the first one. "Oooh (y/n) you're here!" Hearing that, everyone opens their eyes. "(y/n)!" Max jumps on you to hug you then Laura hugs you too. "We didn't even hear you come in!" "Because I am ninja." Jeff, Dita and Lily wake up too, Jeff hugs Max directly and you smile with the others. He then leaves the room followed by his friends saying "You guys must have a lot to talk about together!" You say goodbye to each other and the group forms a circle on the bed to chat.

Laura: Okay first, where the fuck have you been?

(y/n): When Charlize came yesterday, I went to her house and slept there.

Max: Gurl there is no way you're saying that without any explanations. 

(y/n): I admit it's a bit confusing, let me explain. 

You tell them everything from the moment she got to the party until this morning when you left her. Your friends had their mouths open throughout the whole story.

Katy: First of all, I'm so happy that you got the house back, you're finally going to have stable accommodation and that's great. Now for what happened with Charlize, WHAT THE FUCK?

Andre: You literally told her right in the eye to fuck you, I can't with you !

(y/n): Hey I didn't know what I was doing! I'm starting to remember now... god that must have been so embarrassing !!

Laura: Well she did say she liked you, right?

(y/n): Yes she did but I don't know, it all seems so strange.

Max: I still believe she's in love with you. 

(y/n): I love this theory honestly. 

Andre: Same here!

(y/n): What happened for you guys?

Katy: I got drunk!

Max: Personally I got closer to Jeff and we exchanged our numbers to set up a date together.

(y/n): I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP! No for real I'm really happy for you Max!

You keep talking for a long time and then go downstairs to help Laura clean the house with some music as always. After a few hours of cleaning, you all hug  and Laura drops each and everyone of you to their houses being the only one with her own car. You listen to music on the way and sing or rather shout together. When you get out of the car you say goodbye to your friends and they tell you to call them if there is any problem. It feels good to be alone and in peace for once. 

Then you quickly do some homework and cook something to eat. You spend your evening watching orange is the new black and falling for the women in the show. Your thoughts diverge to Charlize and you start to think seriously about her. You're not drunk anymore so you remember what happened with her better, you remember everything actually. How hot her skin felt, how divine her moans sounded and how close your bodies were. You are really starting to get hot so you're taking a cold shower to calm yourself down a bit. Then you feel little tired and go to bed a little earlier than usual. By dint of thinking about her, she even haunts your dreams...

Sorry guys I couldn't update earlier and this part is not the longest but hey at least I update every day slay 


I'll try Miss...(Charlize Theron x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin