Good news

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The next morning Charlize wakes up before you. She appreciates your peaceful face for a moment before to leave the bed quietly and carefully to not wake you up. She grabs some clothes and goes to the bathroom to dress up. She's overjoyed that you'd be willing to follow her on this movie adventure but she still has to convince her friend. She walks downstairs and starts making breakfast for the two of you. While coffee is running, she grabs her phone to call David. She wanted to wait for you to make the call but her impatience and eagerness is getting to her. She presses the call button and waits a few seconds before to get a response.

Charlize: David?

David: Hi Charlize! How are you?

Charlize: Fine, thanks. I called to ask you something about the movie.

David: Of course! Everything you need.

Charlize: So, I can't leave because of one student. She's incredibly talented and so deserving, I'll be upset with myself for the rest of my life if I leave her behind. So I have a proposition for you.

David: I'm listening.

Charlize: Make her audition for the part of Delphine. You'll see how good she is and if you decide to cast her, I'll be Lorraine.

David: That's not really what I was expecting...I suppose she could audition but there's one issue, you read the parts so you know about the relationship between the characters right?

Charlize: Yes, and she does too.

There's a little silence for a few seconds.

David: Charlize... You and that girl-

Charlize: Yes.

David: I see, actually it'll be perfect for the movie... Alright I'll send you two copies of the script and tell you when to come audition.

Charlize sighs of relief and the anxiety she felt in her stomach vanishes immediately.

Charlize: Thank you David! She'll prove herself, I promise.

David: You're a wonderful actress, if you say she's good I trust you.

After thanking her friend Charlize ends the call and helds the phone against her chest. The possibility of the two of you making a movie together warms her heart and you're so close now. She doesn't wait any longer and joins her room to wake you up. She has to share the good news with you immediately and eventually you'll have to work on acting together too. You're still sleeping peacefully when she enters, she walks quietly to the bed and sits next to you. She enjoys the moment to admire your pretty face, the happiness you bring her is out of this world. She strokes your hair and whispers your name to your ear to wake you up softly. You eventually open your eyes and meet hers, you smile right away at her sight. "Hi Charlize!" You wrap your arms around her and make her fall next to you comfortably. "Good morning my angel, how did you sleep?" Her voice is low to give you time to wake up and get used to your surroundings. "Wonderfully well because of you!" You hug her making sure you share all your affection with her.

She giggles and kisses the top of your head before to speak again but more clearly this time. "(y/n) I have good news for you, I called David." Your sleepy eyes open wide with interest and you straighten up a little in her arms. "Really? So what did he say??" Charlize smiles because of your excitement and remains silent for a short moment for suspense causing you to slap her arm playfully. "Okay, okay! Peace! He said we could audition together, he gave me the script." At the end of her sentence you jump on her to give her an even tighter hug. She laughs as you land on top of her body. "I guess it means you're happy?" She says teasingly. "Of course I'm happy! It's giving me so much hope for us. You have to coach me and we have to rehearse and everything, damn I'm nervous now!" She chuckles and strokes your cheek lovingly. "We got this (y/n), as long as we're together everything will be okay." You blush lightly then playfully push her shoulder. "You're such a Care bear Charlize!" "But you love me anyway right?" You act like you're thinking by grabbing your chin then give her a quick peck on the lips. "I'll always love you."

"Now YOU are the Care bear!" You roll your eyes playfully then you both stay in bed for a little longer. Then for the rest of the day you rehearse and learn the parts of your characters. Charlize gives you precious advices and you plan on even the slightest details to make the scenes truly meaningful and believable. David has to think of you two as the obvious choice for the roles. You work for the whole weekend and eventually feel satisfied with your chemistry and acting. The audition day is Monday so Charlize takes a day off and you play sick to miss school. In the meantime you shared everything with your friends and they obviously support you. Even if getting the part means you'll have to leave them, success and love have a price. On Monday you have to drive all the way to the set and the pressure slowly grows. You feel confident with your work and Charlize but you're also terrified of letting this opportunity go. After the two hours ride, you arrive to the recording set. Charlize holds your hand as you enter the building and wait to be called to audition. She feels your nerves and squeezes your hand with a loving smile. "I believe in you (y/n), I believe in us." She whispers and you rest your head on her shoulder. "Even if that makes me a Care bear." You both laugh and let go of the stress for a moment before David opens the door. "Your turn girls!"

I hate so much to leave you updateless if that's even a real word, I don't think it is but whatever. I hope it's a nice surprise, happy chapter day!

-Djedje <3

I'll try Miss...(Charlize Theron x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя