I had never felt more fear than when I had looked into that room.

I would never know what came over me. One second, I was watching him raise the whip into the air. Slowly, ever so slowly. The leather looked so cruel, but the way he held it so gently in his fingers, made it seem like a gift, something sweet. The next second, I was standing in front of Greed Fischer, my eyes shut tight as the whip sliced across my cheek.

Pain burst from the cut as the whip cracked loudly. It wrapped around the wrist that I had held up in defense and the sting that blossomed from its touch, made any pain that I had ever felt before then, seem insignificant.

Hot blood dripped down my cheek. I lifted a shaking hand to my face and stared wide eyed at the blood that trickled down my finger.


Satan loomed above me and the wicked smile that played at the edges of his lips, would haunt me for the rest of my life.

Greed's hand wrapped around the back of my shirt collar and yanked me harshly back against his chest. I swallowed tightly.

"You have two seconds to get the fuck out of here, Iniko..." Greed snapped viciously by my ear as his grip tightened around my collar, before he shoved me roughly towards the door. I felt my heart jump at his venomous tone. "Go. Now."

"Anything Greed has ever loved..." Empty, cold brown eyes bore into me and I stilled in fear, "I made him kill..."

Dark violet eyes locked onto mine as I looked back at him. A fresh cut from the ring on his father's finger dripped with blood. Sweat trickled down his cheek as the drenched stands of his hair curled by his jaw. His fists clenched tightly and the anger burning in his eyes, made me feel as though I had made a grave mistake.

My violent angel.

Greed's father lowered the whip and smiled chillingly down at me, "he's just like me..."

"H-he's nothing like y-you!" I hissed as I stumbled back against the wall. I felt sick, and every single cell in my body quaked in fear.

His deranged smile widened and I watched, like I was far away, as he untucked the gun from his belt and held it out to Greed, "kill him, darling."

I froze.

Violet eyes glared down into mine. I thought of the first time that he kissed me in the skatepark, how he had smirked down at me, pearly white teeth tinted with blood, white hair fluttering in the breeze, tall and immovable. My Greed Fischer.

I wondered if he didn't because he needed me to kill him, or because he loved me.

"Don't kill him, Greed..." His father's nose brushed against his cheek as he whispered, "and I'll do it myself."

In the few seconds that I watched Greed's calloused hands wrap around the cold metal, I realised that I had made a mistake.

There was something about looking down the barrel of a gun that was so unparallel to any other experience I'd had. Sure, it wasn't an experience I could say happened often. The metal looked cold. Cold and hard and I felt that coldness seep into me, despite the distance. A shiver ran down my spine, the ice started from my toes until it reached my neck, slowly drowning me, slowly suffocating me in my own fear...slowly...ever so slowly...

And what made it even worse was that the person holding the gun, was the man that I had fallen in love with...I mean – not.

His jaw clenched tightly and his violet eyes stared down into me. The fury burning in his eyes intensified and every second that I stared at him, I felt like I was on fire, burning, my skin melting, furious pain. How could you do this to me? How could you...?

Greed Fischer (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now