Chapter 18

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The door creaked behind me and I winced.

"Iniko?" My father said quietly.

I snapped my head to the kitchen as my heart lurched in my chest. My father was leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee in his hand, dressed in his scrubs, and an eyebrow raised.


I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly, "uh, hey, Dad..."

My father's green eyes were sharp and cold as he stared at me and pursed his lips. I bit my lip nervously as he rubbed the small stubble growing on his cheek.

"You can have your skateboard back next week." He murmured underneath his breath as he placed his coffee on the table.

My heart stopped and my jaw dropped.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Dad..." I said slowly.

My father looked away, "you'll get it back next week."

"Next week?!" I shrieked, "Dad, I told you I had to sort something out! I was only gone for a few days!"

My father didn't reply. Instead, he looked me over and I was slightly irritated by the fact he thought I'd come back with some injury.

"Dad?" I said louder, "you can't take my skateboard away..."

His jaw clenched tightly as he reached for his coffee once more, "what do you want me to do, Iniko?"

"Ground me or something, but don't take my fucking skateboard away!" I snapped.

"Watch your language..." He sighed before pausing slightly, "Iniko, you don't listen to me're out every night, you muck around in school, there's always bruises all over you and now you leave town with some guy you told me you had nothing to do with...what do you expect me to do?"

I sighed. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. "Dad...I...I'm sorry..."

"You keep lying to me, Niko..." His green eyes softened slightly, "just because I'm not here doesn't mean I don't care."

"I-I know..." I murmured as I scowled sheepishly.

"What's going on, buddy?" His soft green eyes sparkled with kindness.

"I-I...uh..." I stuttered nervously, "G-Greed needs my help...just for a bit."
"Okay..." He nodded slowly, "are you...a thing?"

A thick blush attacked my cheeks and I shook my head frantically, "no! No, Dad!"


When I walked back upstairs, hearing the engine of our car as my father left for work, I realised that something was off. The door to my room was ajar and an eerily emptiness fell over the house.

I stepped inside and my heart skipped a beat as the curtains fluttered nosily from the window that I didn't remember opening.

The room was warm and I felt myself calm down as I placed my bag on the floor.

I swallowed tightly when I saw it.

It was a small piece of paper. Harmless. Neatly placed. Folded in half.

I picked it up from my bedside table with shaky hands.

The picture had been printed out from a phone and horror trickled down my spine when I saw the edges of my window.

Someone had gotten close enough...someone was watching

"Fuck!" I hissed as my heart grew louder and louder in my ears.

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