"I wonder how long you can last, Winter Solstice?"

"D-don't." I stammered out as his hand slowed down and the pressure inside of me faded, "Greed..."

"What?" Greed tilted his head again and brushed his lips against mine. His strokes were painfully slow, "do you want me to fuck you, Black Swan?"

"No! Shut up!" I growled up at him. I was too hot. I felt like I was burning, "y-you're stupid to think I want that."

Greed's malicious smile returned, "you do realise, Baby Wolf...that every time you lie to me it makes me want to hurt you even more."

My blush didn't seem to disappear, "y-you're stupid..."

His violet eyes were alight with wicked amusement before his hand wrapped around my waist and his nails dug in tightly again. I jerked against him and that sweet pain trailed up my side as the euphoric feel of his calloused palm rubbing up my cock had my stomach pooling with insidious desire.

Greed's pace fastened and I lost control. His violet eyes glaring down at me. So, fucking warm against me. So hard. It was like an electrical current passing through my bloodstream. My stomach cramped with pressure as my muscles locked and I gripped the blankets underneath me tightly.

"Fuck!" I groaned.

I came in Greed's hand as a sharp pant left my lips. He cleaned it up with a tissue that I hadn't noticed in the side compartment. I melted into the blankets underneath me as I stared up at Greed with wide eyes and panted harshly.

"Y-you fucking asshole..." I stuttered and I was sure I resembled a tomato, "you just...what...no, I'm not...we're not..."

Greed looked down at me. His violet eyes twinkled in the darkness and he reached a hand out to wrap his hand around my throat tightly, "don't say we're not, Tadpole."

His lips brushed against mine and I felt my stomach shudder with the aftermath of my orgasm. My lips tingled at his proximity and I tried to gather strength in my arms to push him away.

I gaped up at him, "g-give me back my clothes, bitch face!"

Greed smiled dangerously and I winced as the pressure around my neck grew uncomfortable.

Greed's hand was wrapped around my wrist firmly as I stepped in every place he did. The full moon lit the path out before us but I stayed close to Greed because I didn't fancy getting lost in a random forest in the middle of the night.

The ground turned from grass to rock only a few meters from the car and I shivered behind him as my mind raced with everything that had just happened.

"G-Greed, let go of me you fucking dick!" I snapped from behind him. The wind was cold and the thick grass and cane shuddered wildly at its strength.

Greed's nails dug into my wrist in warning. Fuck...stupid Greed Fischer!!

The creek shimmered with the reflection of the silver moonlight. It was enshrouded in a circle of trees, which branches dipped into the water as they danced in the wind. Greed dropped our backpacks by a rock and pulled out two towels.

I crossed my arms over my chest sourly and turned away from him as he shed his shirt.

I heard him dive in and when I glanced up to see him resurface, my heart thumped loudly in my chest. Greed was so hauntingly beautiful, staring at me, white hair wet and dripping as water rolled down his pale muscular chest. Jawline sharp. Scars slightly visible as the silver moonlight slipped over the little alcove.

I glared at him and crossed my arms tightly over my chest.

Greed smiled slightly at me as the shadows from the trees slipped over his face. He murmured over the gentle stillness, "come in, Baby Tiger."

I stilled as his smile sent butterflies to my stomach, "I don't want t-to...not with you."

He raised his eyebrow as his smile widened and I caught a flash of pearly white teeth. Greed didn't smile often and I was glad he didn't because...well...Greed was so fucking stupidly beautiful.

"Come here, Starburst..." Greed said softly as he waded through the water to where I was standing and reached a hand out for me to grab.

I frowned at him darkly before sighing and taking his hand.

Greed's hand wrapped around mine tightly. His palm was rough and so much bigger than mine that I was slightly ashamed. He pulled me in against him and the water sloshed around us as I slipped into the water.

The water was warm and I glared up at him as it pooled around my chest and his waist. Stupidly tall Greed Fischer.

I looked up at him. Greed was staring down at me, his violet eyes seemed gentle. His other hand reached up to gently encase around my neck. I swallowed tightly at the feel of his rough palm against my neck and tried not to think about the fact my hand was still in his.

"G-Greed, l-let me go..." I said quietly as his chest brushed against mine – his skin was warm and soft.

"No, Green Apple..." Greed said quietly as his forehead brushed against mine. He was so close and I felt that same heat that I had felt only moments before in the back of Greed Fischer's car, rise up my chest.

"G-Greed..." I stuttered nervously.
"Don't be angry with me, Rattlesnake," Greed's nose brushed against mine and I inhaled sharply.

"D-don't call me rattlesnake then..."

Greed smiled and then his lips slowly pressed against mine.

Greed Fischer was stupid. I wasn't in love with Greed. He wasn't my friend and I didn't care about him. I was not in love with Greed Fischer. I would not fall in love with Greed. Greed would never be mine. I wouldn't care when Greed left me behind. I wouldn't. Because I was not in love with Greed Fischer.

His kiss was gentle and butterflies burst in my stomach, travelling up my chest as they tried to escape. His hand around my throat was gentle and he pulled me tighter – pulled me closer so that his bare skin was pressed against mine.

Greed brought my hand up with his and placed mine on his chest, where the raised skin of his scars touched the underside of my fingertips. My stomach filled with hot liquid and his tongue collided with mine in a gentle war.

"Greed...this is..." I murmured unsurely as his lips brushed against mine, "we can't...we're not..."

"I know." Greed replied before kissing me deeply. I melted against him as his strong arm wrapped around my waist. It was different this time. Everything was different. Everything was so wrong but he was so warm against me and his lips felt so nice and Greed Fischer – Fuck! Greed Fischer!

"Why?" I frowned up at him, "why would you do all of this just to leave me behind?"

"I..." Greed squeezed his eyes shut and I felt like my heart was breaking but it wasn't because I wasn't in love with Greed Fischer.

"I know..." I whispered anxiously, "but, Greed...you're going to leave me behind and...you're stupid and I'm so fucking stupid."

His violet eyes were haunted when they looked down at me, "you're mine, Fairy Light."

Then his lips were on mine and I forgot why this was wrong because Greed Fischer was kissing me and his lips were so soft and everything was warm and time didn't matter. Nothing mattered.

"I'm not yours!" I snapped back.

Greed smiled dangerously and I realised that it was wrong of me to piss off the person who currently had his hand around my neck, "no...?"

"Y-yeah..." I shrunk back nervously as Greed's grip around my neck tightened, "I'm not...gay."

Greed laughed. He had the audacity to laugh and I realised that even though this was a mocking laugh and it made me want to bite him, it was the first time I had ever really heard him laugh. It was raspy and quiet, but it had my stomach doing flips.

"I hate it when you lie to me, Kinder Surprise." He smiled against my cheek.

"D-don't call me that!"  

Greed Fischer (BXB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें