"The fuck?!" He screeched, looking from me to Greed and then back again, "what the fuck is he –" he pointed at Greed, "– doing in your bed?!"

"Uh...nothing..." I murmured unsurely, "we weren't doing anything, okay?"

Then Amari's eyes narrowed on my neck. I had the fortune of only seeing Amari angry twice in the times that we had been best friends, so it's understandable that when a usually calm person gets angry, it's fucking scary. Amari clenched his fists tightly, he looked at me nostrils flaring before his dark brown eyes prickled with hostility when he turned to Greed and said in a low voice, "I'll fucking kill you..."

"No, Amari!" I shrieked, before standing in front of Greed as a shield, "he didn't do this! Okay, this wasn't him."
"You expect me to believe you?" He raised a dangerous eyebrow, "when all you've done is lie to me! You told me that this was nothing! You told me that you wouldn't get involved in his shit! He's lying in your fucking bed, Iniko and there's bruises all over you! What do you fucking expect me to think?"

Greed stood up and I attempted to shove him down but he grabbed my wrist tightly and glared down at me warningly, "Toastie..."

"Don't call me fucking toastie, dumbass!" I fumed up at him.

Greed rolled his eyes before grabbing me and tucking me against his chest. My uninjured cheek was mushed up against his pectoral muscles and the heat from his bare skin against mine caused butterflies in my stomach.

"Greed, this isn't helping!" I growled up at him as I tried to free my wrists but he just pulled them in between us and transferred them to one hand.

Greed stared down at me intimidatingly as his violet eyes flashed in warning, "shut up, Baby Snapper."

I swallowed uncomfortably.

"Say I put these bruises on Iniko..." Greed started and lifted my chin. I glowered at him darkly but he ignored me, "then my hand would be the same size as this bruise."

Greed put his hand gently against my cheek and smiled briefly.

"What about the one on his neck?" Amari's tone had lightened slightly.

"No, Greed, don't touch my fucking neck – stop!" I groaned as Greed's hand wrapped around my neck.

I winced at the feeling and waited uncomfortably until Amari had seen the proof. It wasn't as though Greed hadn't touched my neck before, but something about being choked by someone maliciously made it a tender spot.

"G-Greed, l-let go...it's tender there..." I whimpered slightly.

Greed looked down at me with a haunted look in his eyes and released my neck to gently stroke the skin. I felt my skin tingle at his touch, "this wouldn't have happened if you listened to me, Pink Lemonade."

I rolled my eyes and tried to shove him away but he hadn't released my wrists yet, "fuck you! I don't listen to anybody!"

"That's becoming increasingly clear, Iniko." Greed sighed before letting me go.

I turned over to look at Amari who was now leaning against the wall, looking significantly calmer but still glaring at Greed like he killed his cat, "so, are you two...like dating?"

"Oh, fuck no!" I spat. "I'm not gay!"

Amari and Greed raised their eyebrows at the same time. I flickered my eyes between them and mumbled, "maybe you two should fucking date since you have so much in common."

I pulled on my shirt quickly before searching for my socks.

Amari paused, "you still didn't tell me who hit you?"

Greed Fischer (BXB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora