Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I climbed out the window slowly and grabbed my skateboard numbly. I wanted to run. I wanted to cry but I couldn't do anything but slowly plug my earphones back in and step onto my skateboard. My heart was thumping in my chest and my legs felt shaky.

I didn't look behind me, I just pulled my hoodie over my head and skated calmly back to my house.

I hadn't realised I was crying until something wet dribbled down my cheek and splattered on the pavement in front of me and I couldn't find myself to care.

Today had been terrible. It had been stupid.

The whole gay thing was stupid because I didn't like Greed and if did, I didn't want to think about it. I knew I wasn't gay because I had never looked at a guy before and wanted anything romantically or even sexually – it was just Greed who was messing with my head.

I made the wrong decision to go to Greed's house and what had happened back there was a given. I should have known better than to willingly walk into a predator's house.

When I stepped into my room, Greed was sitting on my bed.

Greed was angry. His jaw clenched angrily and he fisted my blankets tightly. His violet eyes snapped to mine when I closed the door behind me and they darkened when he saw the tears dribbling down my face.

I didn't have time to react before Greed had me pressed against the wall with his arms either side of my head, caging me in. I winced when my back connected with the wall as pain erupted from the traumatised area.

Greed didn't speak. All emotion fell from his face as he gripped my jaw the softest, he ever had, and lifted my head up to meet his eyes. His violet eyes were haunted. Hidden behind his transparent irises was a darkness that stemmed from a sinister anger. Greed wasn't just furious. Greed was wild with rage.

I lifted my hand up to wipe my tears with my sleeve and sniffled.

Greed lifted his hand slowly and brushed my hair behind my ears softly as he pulled my earphones from my ears. The Fray buzzed quietly before the earphones slipped from his fingers and dangled precariously from my pocket.

"Who the fuck touched you."

I had never heard Greed's voice so dark, so angry, so full of rage. He pulled my head to the side and inspected the large red hand print on my cheek, something haunted flickered in his eyes when they dropped to my throat.

"I-I'm sorry..." More tears dripped down my cheeks, "it was a stupid idea! I w-wasn't thinking b-but it was the only p-place I could think of..."

Greed's headed tilted dangerously, and he pulled my head back up after I had dropped it, "where."

It wasn't a question.

"G-Greed, I'm s-sorry..." my teeth sunk into my bottom lip, "I-I just wanted to talk to you..."

Greed froze and darkness slithered into his expression. Despite the transparency of his eyes, they looked bolder than ever, staring down at me with untamed ferocity. Violent Saint.
"Did he?" He squeezed his eyes shut and I could see the pain on his face. He whispered quietly, "did he touch you?"

I shook my head.

Then Greed gently grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. I lifted my arms even though I was unsure what he was doing and tried to ignore my insecurities as his eyes scoured over my chest.

"Turn around, Glowstone." He murmured.

"Greed, I –


Greed Fischer (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now