Trick or Treat

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"And- And! I am Jay I am Minnie's Micky" the boy holding Minnie's hand said,

"aww you both are so cute here Minnie you can take another one and so can you Micky," Jungkook said and continued giving other kids candies depending on their creativity on their costumes but sometimes he felt bad for the ones who weren't able to buy one so he gave them 3 anyways. 

Soon it was 9:54 and jungkook only had 3 candies left, Since heir was no kids coming anymore he decided to close his door and get ready for his trick or treat, But right when he placed his hand on the door nob he heard a boy,

"Sir!" jungkook heard a soft voice and he peaked to see two cute boys who looked like they were 5-7 years old,

"We came late sorry... can we have some candy?" the younger and shorter one said,

"umm I only have 3 candies left," jungkook said, he noticed the disappointed face on the younger ones, the older one looked at him and said,

"you can just give all of the candies to him," The older one said making jungkook smile,

"But hyung-" the younger one tried to speak but jungkook cut him off,

"Hey don't worry I am pretty sure I have some here," jungkook said and walked toward his kitchen, "so what is your guy's name?" jungkook said trying to make both of the boys more comfortable,

"umm my name is Ch-" before the younger one could end his sentence the older one stopped him,

"our parents told us not to speak to strangers," the older one said, making jungkook chuckle, he found his candy bag and opened it, and walked back to the kids,

"dont worry I am not a bad person," jungkook said,

"yes hyungie look he looks like a nice hyung," the younger one said, "my name is Chang,"  he said and jungkook nodded,

"hi chang my name is jungkook, you can call me kookie" jungkook said and reached his hand toward the younger which he gladly took,

"hyungie tell him your name too," Chang said,

"My name is Bowong" the older one said,

"I call him wongie and kookie hyung only I can call him that," he said with a pout,

"sure bun, you can, are you both brothers?" jungkook asked, and bowong shook his head,

"no we are bestfriend'

"uh-huh, kookie hyung you know wongie hyung is the best, he is very nice," Chang said and jungkook smiled,

"that's nice," jungkook said and ruffled chang's hair, "how old are you both though?" jungkook asked,

"i am 5" chang said,

" I am 7" Bowong said 

"I am 21 years old, you know you both remind of me and my boyfriend we met each other met he same age," jungkook said and that made Bowong smile, Jungkook opened the pack of candies and saw that both boys had nothing in their basket, "by the way who are you guys?" jungkook asked,

"I am a vampire," Bowong said,

"I am iron man," Chang said,

"oh my god chang I love iron man," jungkook said,

"me too hyungie," chang said,

"do you know what's weird bowong?" jungkook asked, "-my boyfriend loves vampires too," jungkook said and bowong smiled again, jungkook put have of the pack of candies in Chang's pumpkin basket and the other half in Bowong's.

"But hyung I thought you had non?" Bowong said,

"they were mine but you both deserve it more than me," jungkook said and ruffled Bowong's hair, "where do you guys live though I might come over once," jungkook said,

"hyung we live in the 3rd house on the left, that is my house that is where will be going next," Bowong said,

"Sure I'll come over, but maybe you guys can bring your parents over and I'll ask for their permission to allow you guys over," jungkook said and bowong nodded,

"thank you hyung" bowong said,

"thank chu!" Chang said and they were about to leave when jungkook called bowong again,

"BOWONG" jungkook said and bowong turned around still holding Chang's hand, jungkook bent down to Bowongs height and whispered in his ears, "Dont ever leave Chang, take care of him, never let anyone hurt him nor hurt him yourself," jungkook said,

"I will hyung, I treasure him, always keep him close," Bowong said and left with chang. It was weird since jungkook felt like he met the old him and taehyung.

Anyways jungkook went inside his room and got ready and wore his costume. after changing he grabbed his phone and started texting taehyung since it was getting kind of late and he was still not here, he heard his house bell ring, jungkook was still on his phone though, he opened the door without even looking who it was and said a simple,

"Sorry, I dont have any candy left," jungkook said as he was still texting taehyung,

"oh it's okay I dont need candy you can be enough" jungkook heard the voice and he looked up, smiled, and hugged taehyung who was outside his house,

"hi!" jungkook said and put his phone away,

"hello, iron man" taehyung said as he looked at jungkook's costume,

"hehe hi" jungkook said,

"Who were you texting?"

"you," jungkook said, 

"oh... by the way, bun, the house looks good,"


"C'mon let's go vampire," jungkook said,

" can this vampire have a kiss?"

"no, I have to tell you something" 

"what?~" taehyung whined,

"I saw...." jungkook told taehyung the story that just happened, while jungkook was telling the story both males exit the apartment with other baskets and went on a trick and treat. 

On the way they stopped by bowing's house wee they met his parents who ever super nice and really liked jungkook and taehyung.  After that they both went back to jungkooks place, they ordered food called their friends over and cut the cake and soon their friend s left too. Jungkook and taehyung stayed and would share kisses or hug while cleaning up the mess and cute stuff like that.

Donno why but highkey sounded like jungkook was abt to kidnap CHANG AND BOWONG 

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