Gaming/work chair

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so this may be lame or somthin but do u guys care... maybe not...maybe yah.... just be happy ur getting bottom kook oneshot here ok... be thankful 

inspiration: hey u'll understand k

inspiration: hey u'll understand k

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3rd POV.

jungkook came inside tae's room, he went close to tae and rested his head on taehyung's lap making tae smile, tae was reading a book while listening to music

"koo u look tired"

"uh-huh i had to do the GCF things"

"oh ok"

"tae~~" jungkook whined, and tae put his book on the side table and took off his earbuds, turned them off, and listened to jungkook

"My back hurts..." jungkook said he could barely speak

"does it hurt much?"

"no just 30% percent"

"how many times do I have to tell you to sit properly when you work huh?!"


"c'mon sit properly I'll give you a massage"


jungkook sat down properly and tae behind him 

"take off your shirt," tae said making jungkook blushed but still obeyed what the older said, tae started his massage after that jungkook said thank you and they both went to sleep.

the next morning jungkook woke up and so did tae, they did their morning routine and went outside for breakfast, their whole week was free we'll mostly for jungkook cuz now he does not use his social media nor show up on a v live. so after breakfast, he went to his studio to continue his GCF.

idk  if ya'll like when I add what they are wearing but I do so I'll add what they wear but if ya'll wanna know what other members wear so pls comment 

idk  if ya'll like when I add what they are wearing but I do so I'll add what they wear but if ya'll wanna know what other members wear so pls comment 

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Night time

jungkook came back to tae's room 

"tae~~" jungkook whined again taehyung looked at jungkook and made a face which said 'yes'

"my back" 

"does it still hurt?" tae asked and jungkook nodded 

"ok c'mon let me check your studio," tae said and got a 'hmm' for response, so tae went inside jungkook's studio and saw jungkook's chair

"kook u have to buy a new Gaming chair"


"you've had this for 2-3 years already"

"I like this one, can u just give me another massage it really clams me down"

"but this can get worse you know"

"I know but plss tae~~" jungkook came closer to give tae a kiss but the kiss turned to a peck cuz the pain in his back "pls," jungkook said with a pout

"ok, go inside my dorm, take off your shirt, and wait for me"


after jungkook left taehyung gave a sigh and then followed the younger 

just like that, they fell asleep after the massage cuz jungkook was really tired, for 1-2 days, the same thing happened now this was the 4th day this is happening.

lunchtime around 3:30 pm

jungkook rushed to the living room, where was sitting, jungkook just straight(gay) hug him

"what's wrong kook?" tae asked but then he heard sobs and he got worried "tell me pls," he said in a soft voice

"my b-back it h-hurts like h-hell," jungkook said tae hurriedly called manager sejin and told him the situation and hung up the call

"koo~," tae said, no response but he knew jungkook is listening "why was the stadium cold?, btw this is jin hyungs joke ok" "bec there are so many fans.." tae said and heard a chuckle, he hugged jungkook tighter while the younger was hiding on tae's chest.

later on, the manager came with their body instructor and took jungkook to a room while tae tried to find a  Gaming chair for jungkook, in the end, he found one and bought it.

jungkook was not allowed to enter his studio, the body instructor said he needs rest for 2 days straight(gay) and tae agreed and did not allow the younger to do anything 

4th day

what tae was waiting for came and he set the  Gaming chair up while Jimin and jin were with jungkook so he won't come in his studio, then tae went to jungkook telling him he can start working today so jungkook rushed to his studio not expecting this 

what tae was waiting for came and he set the  Gaming chair up while Jimin and jin were with jungkook so he won't come in his studio, then tae went to jungkook telling him he can start working today so jungkook rushed to his studio not expecting this 

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

^ black one



"omg i told it was ok"

"but U know I cant see you in pain so I bought this"

"omg this is sooo cute"

"thxxxx i loveeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuu"

"love u too just take care of yourself k?

"uh- huh"

"n btw I was jk your not start work till tom"

"ughhh... idc i still love you" jungkook said with a bunny smile 

ok thx to y'alll been giving me great love n things btw request r open just dm me or somethin

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