chapter seventeen - a burnt body

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As Lucas ran through the blur of green and brown, branches assaulted the sides of his face and rocks left marks on the soles of his feet. Unfortunately for him, taking the time to fix himself up would surely land himself dead in the forest.

He and the other four dashed through the woods, struggling to avoid crashing into the trees. However, it seemed as though the Jorvik didn't have that same problem. Its lack of a solid form allowed it to phase right through any obstacles thrown its way.

Blood rushed from Lucas' brain to the muscles in his legs in order to propel himself forward faster. His temple throbbed in pain as it could only focus on the single goal known as survival. Yet through it all, a thought dawned on Lucas: Could this be how Enoch met his demise?

Through laboured breaths, Lucas laughed bitterly to himself. He and his friends got wrapped up in this silly little mystery and they found themselves the answer in record time. Such a shame, really, that they wouldn't be able to share this accomplishment with all the people back in the Yellow Plains.

Lucas put one foot after the other, and while he was already pushing himself to the limit, he internally scolded himself for not being fast enough. "Dash-dash-dash" became "dash, dash, dash". Then the fluid motions became frivolous sequences in Lucas' perception. A leg was lifted and stretched out ahead of him, took its place on the ground as a step, and he used that planted foot to push himself forward. Fatigue had finally caught up with him and taken a hold of his legs.





Lift. Stretch. Step. Push.

Lift. Stretch. Step. Push. Lift, stretch, step, push. Lift, stretch, step, push!

Lift! Stretch! Step! Push! Lift, step, push! Lift! Lift! LIFT! STEP! PUSH!


Lucas tripped. Next thing he knew, his entire body was sent crashing towards the ground. Expecting the soft cushion of fallen foliage on the forest floor, Lucas was shocked when he collapsed onto a smooth, cool surface. Had he... fallen into a cave?

He had. And so had Jalen, Sophia, James, and Aidan. The four young men and one woman groaned as they lifted themselves from the ground. Once the blood eventually returned to Lucas' brain in giant, forceful pumps, he remembered that the Jorvik was still hunting them down.

"Guys, get up!" Lucas stumbled to his feet. "Come on, we still need to run!"

"To where, Lucas?!" Sophia exclaimed. She gestured violently towards the stone wall blocking their way.

Lucas' eyes darted around, desperately trying to find an alternative way out. Unfortunately, the only route present was the same way that they came from, and also the same way that the Jorvik was waiting at.

Peculiarly enough, when the Jorvik cams into view just outside the cave's opening, it didn't launch itself at the group and rip them to shreds. Instead, it shook as if to nod to itself and left.

"Wha- What? Why did it let us go?" Jalen asked.

Lucas, James, and Aidan all shrugged in response. Sophia got up and dusted herself off before slowly walking towards the wall opposite to the cave's entrance. Her eyes were transfixed by giant words hastily written in mud on the rocky surface.

"THIS PLACE IS WICKED," was what was written. And beneath the foreboding writing was a black and charred mess sprawled out on the ground with for appendages and a globular member attached. Wait...

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