Horror 🩸

23 0 5

Below are the results in the Horror category, as given by guest judge Liz. If you submitted your book in this category, scroll to find the title and username associated with you work and the attached review. The books are listed in order of entry, as listed in the 'list of participants' chapter. 

Watched by Voyageavecmoi judged by liz
[all chapters read]

title: 4/5
summary 3/5
first line paragraph 5/10
plot 30/30
characterisation 4/5
writing style 20/20
grammar 20/20
total 90/100

I absolutely adored this story, It was paced perfectly and was tense and gripping the whole way through, it gave just enough to keep you hooked whilst still leaving you questioning there were very little to no grammatical errors, my only criticism would be to ad a little more to winston and mikes relationship and the quirks as it was hard to recognize the differences later on in the story.

Tumblefields by Kymeraent- judged by [liz]
[5/12 chapters read]

Cover 3/5
Title 4/5
Summary 5/5
First line/paragraph 9/10
Plot 27/30
Characterization 5/5
Writing style 15/20
Grammar 20/20
Total 88/100

this book really hit the ground running, beginning with an intense starting scene. This intense feeling persisted throughout the book so much that i have to leave my laptop a few times to breathe! in the middle of the book the writing is a bit too confusing but nothing worth worrying over this book achieved exactly what it set out to.

Cocytus by empiresofwater

The third book in this category is yet to be judged. I am in communication with this judge and they will finish the review at a later time (author, I will PM you the review.) Apologies for the inconvenience. 

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