An Example Review

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*Just so you know, YES you can give half-points. (eg: 9.5/10)

Those interested in judging, please base your reviews off of this template. I will comment it so you are able to copy and paste it. Reviews vary from judge to judge based on personal style and interpretation, but a basic review should include the following. 

Score by category, add total at the end, as shown.

Cover 2/5

Title 3/5

Summary 5/5

First line/paragraph 7/10

Plot 20/30

Characterization 1/5
Writing style 18/20

Grammar 15/20

Total 71/100

Then include a review. This can have one sentence addressing each of the sub-categories listed above, or a paragraph on each. This depends on the judge's preference and how they write. Just include helpful information. Please note the following paragraph is on the minor end of what you're expected to give.

TITLE OF BOOK by [author's username]- judged by [Judge's username]

[5/12 chapters read]

The cover was very simple, possibly dull, so maybe finding someone else to jazz it up could entice more people. The title fits the book fine but it's a little bit boring and un-meaningful. The summary made me want to look into the book more, because it was so well written! The first line made me excited to read more but I've seen similar lines used before. The plot was well thought out and interesting, but could do with plenty more twists and plenty less holes. The characters were cardboard and need to be worked on a lot, especially the main character. The grammar was alright but could have been better, maybe by getting a friend to read over it, and the writing style was great. Work on getting me more emotionally attached to the characters.

There you go. Poetry I'm not doing an example on, but it should be set out similarly. 

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