Provisional Licenses

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" It's Shiketsu!" Ojiro said, sounding relieved.

" I sent Inasa here to help, but he's disgraced on our school's name. THERE SHOULD BE NO ENEMIES LEFT!!" The hair dude said, extending his flowing locks around the battle area.

" So strong..." Ojiro idolized.

" Definitely." Kaori added, wiggling her fingers lightly. 

" We're not done yet!" Tokoyami said, running past them. They nodded, following Tokoyami off to fight more Orca Henchmen. Even though this exam had been troublesome, it was definitely something more. Everybody paused in their current position, hearing a buzzer.

" At this time, all of the HUC members who were deployed have been rescued from the disaster zone, bringing forth the end of the Provisional License Exam." Was the exam really over?

" It may seem anticlimactic, but with this, the Provisional License Exam has officially come to an end. Yay. After we tally the scores, we'll announce the results here in the arena. Anyone injured should go to the infirmary. The rest of you are free to change clothes and wait wherever you like." Administrator Mera said in the most annoying, monotoned voice any of them had ever heard. Sure, Aizawa had a monotone voice, but it wasn't annoying like this Mera dude. What was even his deal? Aizawa worked every day, taught kids everyday, barely slept everyday, and this dude like uhhhhh, i'm dying because I haven't slept in three days...! Get. Over. Yourself. Kaori whooped, flopping down on the ground with a laugh. I'm surprised I haven't lost control of my sanity. I guess that training helped build up some tolerance. The Time-Tracker looked over toward Todoroki and Inasa, who were regaining themselves from the ground. She groaned, seeing the cemented plasters on their shoulders. She stood up, walking over as she gripped her fists lightly. Both starred at each other, plainly, before looking toward the charging girl. Kaori raised her fist, punching the rock on Todoroki's shoulder. The cement suddenly shattered, surprising both boys. She committed the same action to Inasa, shaking her hand lightly as the rocks fell.

" Thanks!" Inasa said, back to his enthusiastic self.

" You both are idiots." She said. Todoroki looked at her, guilt-ridden. 

" Kaori, I'm so sorry. It's because of my foolishness I almost burned you. I could never forgive myself if I ever did that to any of my friends. Please, would you consider my apology?" He asked, looking to her with woeful eyes. She sighed, patting the boy's head. 

" There, there. What's done is done, you're both idiots, learn what maturity means. What I need is a nap." She said before turning to look at Inasa. She was particularly angered by him. She pointed a finger at him. 

" You need to get a grip. This is Shoto Todoroki, not Endeavor. You leave him the fuck alone, got it? Get some nerve in that head and learn about compassion. Do you hear me?" She asked. Inasa did a full, 90 degree bend, giving his earnest apologies. 

" I'LL DO BETTER, I SWEAR!! I'LL BE A MAN OF ACCEPTANCE!!" He promised, holding out a stiff hand. She shook his hand before walking away. Alright, nap time!

At The Exam Reveal

" Thanks for all your hard work in the exam. Before I announce the results, I should probably explain the way we evaluated you."

Kaori tied her jacket around her waist, back in her usual uniform. Currently, she was tying up her hair, trying to make sure it wasn't a loose bun. Bakugou and Kirishima stood beside her, unsure of what to think. He'd done some stupid things that could've caused him to fail and he was worried he did. Would he show it? No, oh my loves, no. She glanced at him briefly, trying to read his expression. We can always talk about it later, when we're alone.

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