“I think you need some alone time with your dad now, I’ll check up on you soon.” Holden smiles at Addison, trying to keep his composure as he walks out of the room.

“Hi sweetheart.”


 As soon as Addison saw her father she burst out into tears, unable to hold back all the emotions she was feeling. Jeremiah had held his daughter close, stroking her hair as she cried into his chest.

“You’re alright, everything is going to be okay.” Jeremiah cooed, trying to comfort his daughter.

“I tried not to hurt them but I’m sure they both hate me now.” Addison wept.

“I’m sure the boys don’t hate you, this is just tough for them. One day all of you will look back at this and laugh. I know this feels like the end of the world right now but you’re young and will have plenty of chances to fall in love and get your heartbroken, loves a continuous journey but its so worth it in the end.

“Thanks dad.” Addison’s face grew the slightest of smiles at her father’s wise words.

“Thank you for giving me a second chance and letting me into your life. Oh I have some news on Carter, I was with Sheriff Holland that’s why I couldn’t get to you sooner.”

“Officers spoke to Carter’s parents at their home and apparently he’s being bipolar type 1 ever since an incident when he was young. Upon further investigation they found months’ worth of his medication stashed under the bed.”

“That explains his manic behaviour, he lost touch with reality.”

“They’re looking to send him to a mental health facility instead of jail, he needs help.”

“I wish he had gotten help sooner, I don’t think I can forgive his actions no matter the justification.”

“That’s your choice sweetheart. Doctors say if all goes well tonight you can be discharged in the morning.”

“Can you fill Micah in when you get home? I’m pretty sure he can’t wait to leave.”

“I will. I’ll be back in the morning with some of your things.” Jeremiah gently hugged his daughter before leaving.

A few days later.

Addison was now back at home with Lily being overprotective, not leaving her side for more than two minutes. True to his word, Micah had left without a goodbye and Holden had being keeping his distance, just smiling at Addison from across the school corridors.

“I hope that’s Blair with our burger and fries, I’m starving.” Lily complains and follows Addison as she goes to answer the front door.

“Addison, thank God you’re alright.” A stranger appears in front of the girls with a pleased look on his face.

“Uh, I’m sorry but who are you?” Addison questioned.

“Don’t worry girls, I’ll pay for the food.” Mr. Mills voiced as he came to the door.

“How the fuck are you here?”

Jeremiah’s outburst had the girls in shock. He was conditioned to be calm as a priest but none of that seemed to matter once he laid eyes on the man in front of him.

“Dad, what’s going on? And who are you?” Addison turned to the stranger and questioned him.

“Go ahead Tate, tell her exactly who you are and don’t forget to mention that you’re the reason her mother is dead.” Mr. Mills spoke in a furious tone.

“Can we not do this at the doorway? The neighbours are beginning to stare.”

“Lily is right, come inside.” Addison stepped aside, allowing the man to enter, much to her father’s protests.

“I’m going to give you guys some space, call me later okay?” Lily grabbed her bag and hugged Addison before rushing of, not wanting to intrude of the issue at hand.

“Start talking.” Addison demanded whilst her father stood by her side protectively.

“My name is Tate Charles and I’m the man your mother was having an affair with.”

“That’s impossible, both she and her lover died in that car accident.”

“The man in the car was my best friend. I was finishing off work late that day and asked him to go and fetch your mother, I didn’t want her to be alone with your father once he discovered about the affair. They killed an innocent man.”

“They? So you know who caused the accident?”

“Of course I do. I’m the one that has being sending you those messages, hoping you’d learn the truth and I’m guessing by your reaction that you have. As soon as I heard that you were in the hospital I took the first plane out to Texas, I thought that they had hurt you as well.”

“As you can see my daughter is fine so there’s no reason for you to be here now.”

“I know but her to see this.” Tate pulls out a package from his bag and hands it to Addison. 

“The inside of that envelope contains every single piece of evidence we need to nail those holy sons of bitches. I’ve spent the past year gathering all the proof I could find against them and finally have enough to alert the authorities.”

Addison skimmed through the packages contents with her father who was now less enraged.

“Addison, I really loved your mother and hope bringing the people that killed her to justice will give you some peace.” With these words, Tate picked up the envelope and placed it into his bag once more before being lead out by Jeremiah.

There stood Addison in shock, with the last chapter of her old life being closed. This was both exciting and tormenting for the young woman, she had the opportunity to move forward however she liked but because the future is never guaranteed, taking the first step towards this unknown can be mortifying.

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