"Let's Get Tattoos"

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The two spent their night attached to each other’s hip, neither wanted to leave the other. Addison enjoyed watching Holden look at the world through a new sense of wonder.

The childlike sparkle in his eyes and carefree demeanour drew people to him, like a moth to a flame. New friends were made that night along with memories that would be cherished forever.

The next morning

“Rise and shine handsome.” Addison draws the blinds in Holden’s room, allowing rays of sunlight to engulf him.

Holden opened his eyes just enough to take a peak of the time. “Its 8am Addy, we’ve literally had only 4 hours of sleep.” He pulls the duvet up, burying himself under it.

“Well considering you have surfing lessons at 10 and we still need some breakfast, I think we’re right on time.”

Holden pops his head out from under the covers in confusion. “Surfing lessons?”

“Aha. I told you, you’re going to become one with the ocean.”

Holden pulls Addison down so that’s she’s snug on top of him. He proceeds to wrap his arms around her and trail kisses from under her ear to along her jaw before nuzzling his face into her neck.

You’re indescribable.” He utters against her skin.

“It’s time to get up now before we end up not leaving this hotel room.” Addison mentions before getting up and straightening her clothes. 

“I’m going to get us some breakfast and coffee while you shower. Knock on my door when you’re done.”

Holden nods as he watches Addison exit the room. He was in no position to get up just yet, he needed a moment to cool down after having Addison on top of him.

Sometime later

Addison’s p.o.v

Last night’s event were a hoot but they were nothing compared to watching Holden attempt to surf. I admit although at times it was funny seeing him trying to find his sea legs, other times when he would get washed underneath the surface of a wave my heart would stop beating until I saw his head pop back up.

Once his lessons were over, Holden laid down next to me soaking up the sunshine and complaining about how his instructor didn’t pay enough attention to him.

Learning to handle those waves is ten times harder than bull riding.”

“You’ve ridden a bull before?”

Yeah, the mechanical one back at home.”

Holden’s demeanour suddenly shifted after his comment. He somehow looked nervous but I decided to brush of my suspicions and carry on with the rest of our day.

“I have one last idea we can do before getting back on the road, but its totally okay if you don’t want to.”

I’m listening.”

“Let’s get tattoos. They don’t have to be matching or anything of that sort.”

I’m game. It will serve as a nice reminder of our senior year road trip.”

I was thrilled to hear his agreement and couldn’t wait to get to the parlour. Now bear in mind this isn’t Holden’s nor my first tattoo. He had already looked like Michael Angelo’s sketch book whilst I only had one and was eager for more.

Once we entered the tattoo parlour I could hear the sound of the needle etching away on someone skin, whilst my eyes were drawn to the multiple artworks on the wall.

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