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“Holden boy wasn’t always the sweetheart he claims to be now.”

Why don’t you and I sit down and have a beer, then you can tell me more.” Micah suggested while ushering Carter to nearby empty booth.

Once seated and beer in hand, Carter continued to weave his so called perfectly plotted plan.

“Most people in town have forgotten what had conspired and moved on with their lives but not me, I had lost someone that day whom can never be replaced. It was the summer of 2013 so exactly 8 years ago, heavy storms had plagued our town turning streams into rivers. It had being the first dry afternoon in days so Holden and I decided to go down to the nearby brook and catch tadpoles. My childhood sweetheart Aria begged to tag along, she wasn’t like other girls who were afraid to get their hands dirty she was more of a tomboy.”

Carter took a sip of his drink and ran his thumb along the top of the bottle almost lost in thought. Micah could see the shift in Carter’s demeanour with the mention of Aria and almost felt sorry for him.

“Now bear in mind Holden was my best friend so of course I trusted him with my girl’s life, little did I know how wrong I was to do so. We had gotten to the brook which now turned into a violent swell of water, gushing against edged rocks and boulders. Holden was the first to get up onto one of the rocks and soon Aria followed. I begged them not to do so but they didn’t listen. On our walk we had passed some beautiful wildflowers, I not wanting to join their crazy ways decided to go and pick a few flowers for Aria. When I returned I saw Holden back Aria towards the edge of the rock, her face was moulded in fear and that’s when he pushed her into the violent waters below.”

What?” Micah coughed, chocking on his beer.

“I dropped the flowers and ran along the bank trying to find Aria but she had been engulfed by the water.”

And what did Holden do?”

“He ran into town to try and get help. By the time he had returned I had managed to get Aria’s limp body out of the brook, a few metres down were the water was calmer.”

Was she already gone?” Micah asked sympathetically.

“No, she still had the faintest of heartbeats. I held her cold body in my arms whilst telling those who arrived to help what happened, nobody in town believed me, apparently grief had made me insane.”

Where’s Aria now?”

“St. Jules Hospital in Alabama. She had extensive brain damage and has being in a coma ever since. Her parents refuse to pull the plug even though she’s basically a vegetable now.”

I don’t know what to say man. Maybe we need something stronger than these beers.” Micah waves down the waitress and places an order of whiskey for himself and Carter.

“I haven’t even visited her once you know. The guilt of leaving her alone with him haunts me to this day. Micah don’t make the same mistake I did. You need to get Holden out of Addison’s life before it’s too late.”

“And how do you suppose I do that?”

“I don’t know Micah but just remember ‘accidents’ happen all the time. I’ll see you around.” Carter downs his whiskey in one quick gulp before re-joining his minions and leaving the saloon.

Micah sank into the leather seats of the booth, not knowing what to believe. Sure Carter’s account of what happened that summer seemed without flaw but he had to hear Holden’s side of things before making a decision on what to do next.

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