"Tonight Is Just The Beginning"

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Holden’s p.o.v

It was 6am on the dot when I arrived outside of Addison’s home eagerly awaiting to get our road trip started. Once I saw the front door open, I ran up to the porch and engulfed my petite beauty in a warm hug.

It’s too early. Can I go back to bed?” Addy complained while dragging her suitcases outside.

“No can do buttercup. You can have a nap in the truck whilst I take the first driving shift.”

 I kissed Addison on the forehead and picked up her bags.

Fine but we’re picking up breakfast and coffee from the diner on our way.”

I chuckled to myself whilst untying the tarp on the back of my truck and adding Addy’s bags to my own.

She was so grumpy this morning but in the cutest of ways. If there was anyone that I would want to be stuck on the road with for over 20 hours, it would always be her.

End of p.o.v

After 4 hours of driving 

“You’re finally awake.”

After literally driving into the sunrise together and that greasy breakfast I couldn’t help but close my eyes. How long have I been out for?”

“Just over 2 hours.”

Okay at the next town lets stretch our legs and I’ll take over the wheel for a bit so you can rest.”

“Sure thing buttercup.”

St Tropez 

Saint Tropez, home to the valley of a thousand hills. We have to check that out Holden.”

“Alright, we’ll refuel the truck and ask a local for directions.”

A few moments later

Excuse me ma’am, but do you think you could direct my friend and I to the valley of a thousand hills?”

“Sure thing sweetheart.” Addison listened carefully to the sweet lady whilst Holden stood close and snaked an arm around her waist.

“Just between us sweetheart, behind the oak tree marked with an x there’s a little path way. Follow it all the way down and you’ll find a beautiful stream. We don’t tell many tourists about it but I can see two young people in love, go and enjoy yourselves.”

Addison blushed at the lady's remark whilst Holden rubbed the back of his neck and smiled.

Thank you ma’am we will.”

The two drove in comfortable silence with Holden’s hand placed firmly on Addison’s thigh until they reached the Mountain View point. Greenery stretched out for miles with hues of the blue sky peeking through.

It sure is beautiful. I haven’t seen anything like this before.”

Holden comes up from behind and wraps his arms around Addison, both of them taking in the tranquil view and watching other tourists do the same.

Look Holden, the tree.” Addison points towards an oak tree which seemed like the same the old lady was talking about.

“Aren’t you scared of going down that path? We don’t know what lays there.” 

“I grew up in New York City, I definitely know how to hold my own. Don’t worry handsome, I’ll protect you.” Addison giggles as she leads the way

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