"I Guess They're Endgame"

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Trigger warning : Please be aware this chapter touches on sexual assault.

“You need to stop sulking darling, Holden would have wanted you to enjoy your first Halloween here in McKinney. I’m sure everything will blow over and he will be back by your side come Monday morning.” Addison’s father expresses as he hands out some candy to trick or treaters.

I hope so, I just feel so helpless not being able to be there for him.”

“I’m sure he doesn’t want you to spend your weekend in lock up with him, so you might as well make the best of a bad situation and have crazy irresponsible fun tonight.”

Is my father encouraging me to be a wild child?”

“I’m trying to portray my character accurately.”

A pastor dressed as the devil for Halloween, how ironic.” Addison laughs as she straightens her costume.

“Everybody lock up your Dalmatians, Cruella is on the loose.” Mr. Mills jokes in response to his daughters sass.

“Now as your father, be safe and call me if you need anything.”

“I will.” Addison kisses her father on the cheek before walking out of the front door.

At Ambers Halloween Party

Tinkerbell, how nostalgic.”

“Cruella, how fitting.”

Has your father already left?”

“Yeah, Halloween is usually a busy night for the station. People seem to go crazy, last year some senior was convinced that he was a werewolf and went around biting strangers trying to create his pack.”

“There’s always something going on in a small town.” Addison and Amber share a laugh before getting down to business.

“Let’s go upstairs and start searching.”

“Relax, you just got here. Have a drink and socialise, look there’s your friend Chad.” Amber tried to distract Addison and stall her since Carter hadn’t shown up as yet before hurrying off to update Holden on the plan. 

"Everything's covered. Addison isn't in any real danger, we will make sure that asshole doesn't touch her. We have all the real power, Carter just needs to think he's in charge." Holden states to Amber over the phone before hanging up. 

“Captain Sparrow, do I see a jar of dirt in your hand?”

“Ms. Deville, would you like to touch my jar? Wait that sounded gross.” Chad laughed as he greeted Addison with a hug.

“Where’s Lily? I thought you two were riding together?”

“She had to take her little sister trick or treating, she should be here in about an hour.”

Being a gentleman, Chad procured Addison a drink before the two continued to engage in friendly banter until Carter arrived at the party. Chad locked eyes with Amber across the room who gave him a knowing ‘nod’, he then excused himself for a moment leaving Addison alone.

“I always root for the villains.” Carter snuck up behind Addison and whispered in her ear.

“Carter, fuck you scared me. Are you dressed as Holden for Halloween?”

“I just threw on the closest thing I could find in my closet that resembled a costume, God knows Amber wouldn’t have let me enter if I didn’t follow her rules.”

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