Chapter 6: I'm So Sorry Sonic

Start from the beginning

P.O.V Scourge

I smiled rather fondly as I watched the cute blue hedgehog walk out of the store clearly much happier than when he came in. I was staring at the now closed door when the head chef, Vector, poked his head out of the kitchen and smirked slyly before commenting,
"Oooooo somebody has a crush~"
My face heated up at that and I snapped around, glaring at him fiercely. Vector grinned at me and wiggled his eyebrows in a smug like way. I closed my eyes and crossed my arms over my scarred chest before spitting out a smartass comment of my own,
"Hmph, well at least I actually made him blush unlike you who only boasts about yourself whenever you go on a date with anyone which, might I add, always ends with you either getting slapped or kicked in the balls."
Vector stopped laughing and stared at me as if I'd just told him his cooking is shit, which always pisses him off since his cooking is actually some of the best I've ever tasted. He grabbed his spatula and stood up straighter then a ruler, putting his hand behind his head before pointing the cooking utensil directly at my head. He stood in the starting stance for fencing and it looked funny as shit so I started laughing my ass off.

Vector's eye twitched and he pointed his snout at the roof and yelled at the top of his lungs,
Then he lunged at me fully intending to whip me with that spatula and I did not want to be hit in the head by a steel utensil wielded by a fucking crocodile. I quickly dropped to the floor and watched as Vector flew over my body and landed headfirst into the counter before sliding down and falling onto the floor. The contact caused a loud bang and a 'crunch' sounded throughout the restaurant. Espio and Charlie emerged from the kitchen to investigate what all the ruckus was and when Charlie saw Vector, lying on the floor seeing stars flying around his head, he started crying with laughter and slamming his fist on the kitchen's table. Espio was visibly annoyed and fed up with all three of us but when his eyes landed on the damaged counter his entire body turned crimson red. He rushed up to Vector and drop kicked him into the wall before inspecting how bad the damage was, he sighed when he realised that it wasn't to bad at all. Espio sharply turned to me and slapped me upside the head before going over to Vector, who had two pink lumps growing on his head and did the same thing. I felt bad at all the abuse Vector was getting but this whole situation was hilarious to me. Espio glared at the two of us and snapped sternly,
"When will you dimwits realise that the landlady WILL kick us out if we break anything in the shop!?"
Vector and I looked at each other before simultaneously muttering,
"Sorry Espio."
The chameleon changed back into his usual purple colour, an indicator that he had calmed the fuck down but he flared right back up again before yelling,

P.O.V Sonic

On my way home I decided to inspect what that waiter handed me before I left the restaurant. I opened my free hand and saw the sticky note he was writing on earlier, neatly folded in half. I looked at it very confused before using my thumb and forefinger to unfold it since my other hand was busy holding the curry. I spotted a sequence of numbers and furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why the waiter would give me a bunch of random digits. I stopped dead in my tracks as realisation hit my harder than a mother who caught you taking snacks at 2 in the morning. My face glowed bright red and steam erupted from my now very pink ears as I mentally slapped my hand to my face and groaned at my own stupidity. I blushed even harder as my brain fully comprehended the fact that that cute waiter had given me his number and had asked me to text him. This has never happened before, no one's ever willingly given me their number unless they had to or I asked for it! My mind snapped into daydream mode still trying to recover from the shock. I was in this state for the whole walk back to the apartment that I shared with Tails and before I knew it I was standing infront of the plain beige door. I grabbed the cold handle, twisted it and when I heard a soft click I pushed the the door open. I looked down the short hallway into the living room but Tails was nowhere to be found. I was alarmed by this since he should most certainly be watching One Piece and cheering on Luffy as he battles another enemy. It always made me smile to see Tails when he's that happy and hyped, he can act like such a child sometimes but I don't mind one bit. I cautiously walked into the living room and scanned the place for any hint of Tails but I couldn't find any. There wasn't even a couch cushion on the floor from when the orange fox would throw them into the air whenever Luffy would win his fights. The couch was in perfect condition.

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