Chapter 12

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I play with his hair as he lays against me. We're laying in bed and I'm not planning on leaving any time soon. His soft snores are music to my ears. I push the hair off his forehead and twirl it around my finger.

There's a knock at the door, "Can I come in?"


The door opens and Yoongi walks in with a tray. He places it on the side table, "He good?" I nod, still running my fingers through his hair. Yoongi watches us for a few seconds, "When he's better, what are you both going to do?"

I gave him a confused expression, "What do you mean?"

He sighs and sits down on the bed beside us, "Everyone believes he's dead. The others think we're going to rebuild what we had. What do you want to do?"

I look down at Jungkook, "I think... I think he needs a change." I look at Yoongi, "The minute people find out he's still alive, everyone will come after him again." I shake my head, "He promised me that he won't leave me again."

Yoongi nods, "I know someone in Daegu, she can help the both of you settle somewhere away from all this. If you are interested, I'll give her a call." He stands up, "Speak with him about it." He leaves.

I stare at the closed door for a few seconds. Jungkook moves slightly. I look down at him and smile, "Good evening sleepy head."

He smiles at me, his eyes still partially closed. He wraps his arms more around my waist, "I smell food."

I chuckle and sit up. He sits up with me, resting his head against my shoulder. I grabbed the tray off the side table and placed it on my lap. Jungkook reaches for some, I smack his hand back.

He whines, "But I'm hungry~"

I sigh, "That is mine, you get soup." I push the bowl closer to him.

He continues to whine, "But I don't want soup."

"Then don't eat."

I start to eat some of my food. Jungkook moves slightly and then I feel light kisses against my neck.

I tilt my neck to give him more access. I feel his arm move around me, "Don't." I look down at the tray and see his hand hovering over my dish.

He continues to kiss me, "I'm not doing anything. Just pleasuring my wife."

I sigh, "If you eat your soup I'll give you some of my food. Only a little though, Jin said you should be eating light foods."

He pulls away from my neck and picks up the bowl. He starts to drink some of it. I chuckle and eat more of my food. After a few minutes, Jungkook places the empty bowl on the tray. I feel his eyes on me, but I don't look over at him, eating my food.


I look over at him, "Yes, prince?" He makes a subtle look over at my half empty plate. I sigh, "What is it?"

He looks at me with a slight pout, "I'm still hungry."

I smile at him and boop his nose, "You're always hungry." I pick at my plate with my spoon, choosing more lighter foods and then direct the spoon towards him. He eats it without hesitation. I pull the empty spoon away and he bounces his head up and down chewing on the food with a determined look.

I laugh softly and eat some more food myself. He finishes chewing and then opens his mouth towards me, I do the same as before and then feed him. He chews on it again, same look.

After a couple more spoonful's of food, the plate is empty. I direct the last of the food towards my mouth. He makes a noise. I look to my side, about to eat the food. He's looking at the food with a saddened expression.

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