Chapter 11

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I lay lifelessly against the concrete floor, staring at the iron bars that lock me in this cell. My face blank, no more emotions to be shown, no more tears left to cry, my body weak from the lack of a proper meal, not that I'd eat anyways. I'm useless and the person I loved, is gone.

"Y/n." I feel a hand brush through my hair, but I don't budge, "Please talk to us. We know it's hard, but we're going to get out-"

"Jimin, shut the fuck up. Have you been paying attention to anything that's been going on for the past 3 fucking days? Hm? Or are you just stupid? We're not getting out! Boss is dead! Everyone is dead! We're going to die here too."

Jimin doesn't respond, I think it's because deep down he knows he's right. We're going to die here. But I don't care at this point. There isn't a point anymore. He's gone. And he's never coming back.

Footsteps come to the cell, you can overhear the clicking of keys against one another. That man comes to the cell and smirks at me, "Hope all is well. I've finally found out what I'm going to do with you all."

He unlocks the cell, "You see. My men have been getting bored lately. I'd thought you all could cheer them up a little. Hopefully that way, it'll increase their job performance."

He goes to grab me, but Jimin holds me back, "Don't!"

He kicked him away, "Can't fight back I see." I hear a grunt and then Yoongi tries to swing at him. He kicks him down too, "Jesus, aren't you guys supposed to be warriors?" He scoffs, "Useless."

He picks me up again and throws me over his shoulder. I hang there limp as he locks the cell door and then carries me up the stairs. He brings me into a room and drops me on the ground, "Have fun boys."

He leaves, leaving me with 5 men who smirk at me. I stare at them blankly, my hand hovering over the pendant that hangs around my neck.


I stare up at the ceiling. It's been a week. A week since he died. I have this tiny hope that he somehow survived, but as the days grow longer and the more I get bruised and used by a bunch of men, I know that he's really gone.

I overhear soft cries from the corner. I turn my head and see Yoongi curled up in a ball, crying.

I frown, "Yoongi?"

Jimin looks over at him and frowns.

Yoongi looks up, "Y-Yoonie's scared." He whispers out.

I sit up and crawl over to him, "It'll be okay." I pull him into a hug and weakly run my fingers through his hair.

I started to remember the times that I had played with Jungkook's hair. How he'd wrap his arms around my waist and gently kiss my collar bone as I'd play with his long black hair that would perfectly curl around my fingers.

I cry to myself, thinking about all the times where we'd argue about stupid things and how he'd always get his way in the end because I could never resist him.

Jimin soon crawled over to us and laid his head against my lap. I laid in the corner crying, Jimin on my lap, Yoongi on my side.


I cried as I was shoved to the ground. I laid there alone as the men left the room. I couldn't focus, my vision blurred, from both tears and lack of proper health.

I saw a figure enter the room, "K-Kook?" My eyes watered more as his figure walked closer to me, picking me up in his arms. My vision still blurred, "Kook?"

The figure lays me down on the bed and gently rubs my cheek, "Y/n?"

"Kook?" The figure slowly became more clear and I frowned, "Kook."

Saving YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant