Chapter 8

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**A month later**

"Go fish."

Jimin lets out a frustrated sigh, "Fuck, why does no one have any of my cards?"

"Because you have shitty cards." I laugh at Hoseok's reply.

Jimin glares at him slightly.

The door opens. We all look over. Suit guy stands there. I glare at him, "What? We're playing go fish."

He sighs, "Boss wants to see you Y/n."

I let out a long sigh and dropped my cards, "Fine." I walk to the door.

"Hey! You did have my card!"

I turned back to look at him, "Oh yeah. Hoseok and I have been messing with you the entire time."

He goes to complain, but I leave the room before he can. I overhear some of the yelling on the other side, I laugh to myself.

I hear suit guy chuckle. I glare at him. He rolls his eyes and walks, I follow him. We walked down the stairs, "Why do you hate me so much?"

I scoff, "Well, you did almost kill Hoseok."

He sighs, "I was given orders, it was your husband that almost killed Hoseok." He walks with his hands held behind his back, standing straight. Fuck his posture is great.

I don't respond.

We walked past the kitchen, "You can call me V if you'd like."


We continue to walk down the hall, "Alright."

We stay silent for the rest of the walk. I look over at him for a second and then look away, Jesus this guy has a nice side profile.

He stops in front of a door, "He's in here." He walks away.

I watch him disappear into the distance. I turn towards the door and am about to open it when it opens on its own. I see Asshole come out with a slight limp, visible blood covering him.

"What the fuck happened to you?!"

He looks at me in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

"Suit guy said you wanted to see me. Are you alright?"

He sighs and shuts the door. He starts to walk down the hall, "I'm fine." I go to him and help him, but he pulls away from me, "Princess, I'm fine."

I scoff, "Like hell you are. You're bleeding and limping."

He goes to speak but stumbles forward slightly. I catch him and tilt his head to face me. I notice his eyes are slightly glossed over and barely staying open, "When was the last time you slept?"

"Last night."

"For more than 2 hours."

He thinks for a moment, "I don't know."

I sigh, "We're going to see Jin, then you're going to sleep."

He shakes his head and tries to stand straight, "I can't. I'm the boss, I need to watch over everything."

I pull him gently towards the infirmary, "Don't you have a second hand or something? I don't exactly know what you do for work, but I'm assuming it's a gang or something-"


I pause in my movements and stare at him, "Wow." I continue on like nothing was said, "Well then you definitely have a second hand. Who is it?"

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