Chapter 20: Hawk

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Your two hour nap was interrupted by the abrupt stop of the trolley. Almost falling out of your seat, you quickly sat up and blinked your eyes.

"Glad I was able to get some sleep before that rude awakening" you groaned, as a yawn escaped your mouth.

Lulu instinctively sat up and looked around. It was late, around 22:00, so not many people were traveling at this time. You were relieved at that fact. If there had been a lot of people, resting during the ride would've been difficult.

Suddenly, and announcement came through the speakers. "Attention all passengers, we have arrived in York New City"

You looked at one of the maps hung up on the wall. You were located at a station in the center of the city. "Well, we're here" you said, while putting your bag back on and preparing to leave.

As the sliding doors opened, you hopped out of the vehicle with Lulu following behind you. It was hard not to hide your excitement. You had never been to York New City, and the initial view was breathtaking.

The city was lit up in an array of colors and the streets were bustling with people despite it being so late. Even at night, the city never slept.

You couldn't hide the smile on your face. You were hoping you'd be able to explore the city before you had to return home.

"Isn't the city beautiful?" you asked Lulu.

Lulu exhaled and shook her head, almost in annoyance. "I guess an animal like you prefers the wilderness, huh?" you laughed. She looked over to you as if she was confirming what you had just said.

"Now then, we need to meet with Hisoka, but I forgot to ask where to meet him..." you admitted. "Maybe I can find a phone or something...?" you began to look around for one.

"Wait, I don't even know what number I'd call! I'm totally screwed..." you sighed.

"(Y/n)~" a voice called.

You whipped your head around to see Hisoka leisurely walking towards you. "Hm, I guess I was right to assume you'd be at this station"

"Hisoka!" you greeted him. "How did you know I'd be here?"

"Well, this is the only street trolley around here that goes outside of the city" he explained.

"Ah, I see. Well I'm glad you found me, I must admit I was a little lost" you chuckled.

"Oh (y/n), of course I found you. I wouldn't dream of leaving you out here all alone~" Hisoka moved closer in an attempt to give you a smothering hug.

Lulu blocked his path and showed her teeth, growling at the man who almost invaded your personal space.

"I wouldn't try anything, Hisoka. She's trained to kill people that piss me off" you proudly stated.

"I can't tell if that's a joke..." he said, slowly backing away.

You smirked. "It's okay, Lulu, he's a friend"

Lulu backed off but refused to leave your side. Let's just say she did not care for Hisoka.

"Such an...exotic friend you have, (y/n)" he joked.

"You or the cat?" you jokingly questioned.

"Very funny" he huffed.

You laughed. "It's good to see you again, Hisoka" you said while giving him a quick hug.

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