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"Oh my god!" Melissa ran up to me, "Are you okay? I heard what happened!" She hugged me tightly, stroking my face.
"Mom, i'm okay!" I reassured her, "I promise!"

I learnt to control my hearing abit. I went to Derek's apartment every week to learn about my abilities. He says i'm doing good, which is a relief.

I arrived at Derek's apartment and opened the big wooden door.
"Hello?" I said, walking in.
Derek was looking out the window, as usual.
He turned around, "oh.. hey!"
"Did you find out what i am?" I asked.

He opened his laptop, "Well it says that you CAN be a werewolf with telekinesis. But it's very rare. It means your a hybrid."

"A hybrid? What's that?" i asked.

"It's an offspring resulting from combining the qualities of two organisms of different breeds." He answered.

"But my mum isn't a witch and my dad is not a werewolf. So where did i get it from?" I stated.

"You're a supernatural hybrid. You're just two creatures combined, i guess.." He replied, seeming unsure.
I looked surprised, "Badass." We both laughed.

Later, i arrived home. Stiles was in Scott's bedroom.
"Oh hey Stiles!" I said, "I was round Derek's, he said i'm a hybrid apparently!"
"That explains the orange eyes.." Scott answered.
"Whatcha doing?" I walked into his room, sitting on his bed.
"Preparing for the full moon tomorrow." He said, hanging up chains on his wall.
"You need chains?.." i asked, worried.
"You can't just go wondering the streets killing people, dumbass!" Stiles answered, laughing.

The doorbell rang.
"Ahh shit!" I covered my ears.

Isaac walked up the stairs, "Hey Scott, i was wondering about the full moon tomorrow."
Everyone was worried about it.
"i have it kinda under control.. i just need my alpha." Isaac added, "maybe i could help Amelia too!"

"Or just eat me!" Stiles interrupted sarcastically, "Just reminding you guys that i'm human!" Everyone laughed.

"Amelia, i have this for you!" Scott lifted a metal head brace. It looked like a bear trap. "The spikes dig into your head, to stop you from turning. You know, pain keeps you human!"
My mouth dropped, "No way! That's not happening!" I knew it had to happen, but the thought of spikes digging into my brain gave me the shivers.

It got very late so Stiles and Isaac slept round our house for the night. They stayed in Scott's room, yet i could hear every conversation they had.
"Can you guys just shut up! Just for two seconds!" I shouted from my room, "I'm trying to sleep!"
They laughed.

I got up and walked into Scott's room, "Hey idiots! I said shut up!"
Scott was in his bed, Stiles was in a chair and Isaac was on the floor.
I kicked Isaac as i walked out.
"Hey!" he said laughing.
"What you gonna do?" I said, sarcastically.
Isaac stood up, i through him down the stairs with my mind.
"Shit! That's cheating!" Isaac said, as he let out a laugh.

"GUYS!" Melissa shouted, "Just a reminder that this house isn't made for supernatural creatures! And i will kick all of your supernatural arses!" We all laughed, running back to our rooms.

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