There Was Always A Reason Behind Their Madness.

Start from the beginning

Merle rises to his feet. "And how do you know that?!" 

"BECAUSE MERLE THEY CAN'T BE ANYWHERE ELSE!" I shout turning to him. "We've searched, absolutely everywhere! We can't find the jewels. He hid them! And he hid them well! He was in debt and he needed money, but no, he didn't get another loan, no, he went and he got jewels off some big shot mafia guy, and the guy wanted him to pay him back, so no he didn't sell the jewels to pay off his debt and pay the guy back, he hid them! HE HID THEM! So now we have to find them."

Merle starred at me for a moment. "Where do you suggest we re-start? We've spent endless days and nights in those woods looking for the god damn jewels, been through every piece of paper work he's ever god damn owned in search of anything to tell us where he hid them! Nothing. Daryl we are screwed!"

I groaned and turned landing myself down on a sofa. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my elbows on my knees, and then my head in my hands.

"We have to find the jewels."

"We can't!" Merle snapped.

"WE HAVE TO!" I roared, rising to my feet once again, glaring directly into Merle's eyes. "You shouldn't have slept with her." Merle said dangerously.

Silence fell through out the group of men that stood around us. "He slept with her?" Asked the eldest of our men, Carlos.

"He did." Merle says not dropping my eye contact. 

"Why?" Carlos asks.

"He thinks he loves her." Merle answers. 

Carlos scoffs and the other men around us snigger. "I know I love her." 

"Then why shouldn't you have slept with her?" Carlos asked, now confused. 

I sigh and turn in a circle running my hands through my hair. 

"The men our dad got the jewels off of, they were big shots in the mafia then, now they basically run it. We're their biggest competitors in the drugs industry. However they either want to be payed back for the jewels our dad took from them, or the jewels back. The thing is, we can't afford to pay them back, and we can't find the jewels either. They thought we were lying and threathened us. Well they more so theathened her, but she didn't know. So, to prevent them thinking their threat would hurt either of us in anyway, we left. We left her, distanced ourselves, cut off all contact. Until she arrived back, and that all came crumbling down. Coming back, staying in her house, sleeping with her. Just brought us back to the start. There is no way they don't know by now how much they can ruin us, using her."

I sigh and turn my eyes to look at the ceiling. "We have to find the jewels."

"WELL WE CAN'T FIND THEM!" Merle roars.



athena's p.o.v

I frowned pulling up outside my house in the truck, there was several other cars, I didn't know parked outside. I parked, and jumped out, leaving the shopping in the back.

I approached the house carefully, I could hear Daryl and Merle's voices coming from inside, atleast the people who were there hadn't killed them or something. I opened the front door slowly and crept into the house, avoiding the floor boards that I knew would creak if I stepped on them. 

They were in the living room. Daryl was speaking.

"I know I love her." Was he talking about me?

"Then why shouldn't you have slept with her?" A different voice asked, sounding confused.

I heard Daryl sigh and the floor boards creak a little bit, before he spoke.

"The men our dad got the jewels off of, they were big shots in the mafia then, now they basically run it. We're their biggest competitors in the drugs industry. However they either want to be payed back for the jewels our dad took from them, or the jewels back. The thing is, we can't afford to pay them back, and we can't find the jewels either. They thought we were lying and threathened us. Well they more so theathened her, but she didn't know. So, to prevent them thinking their threat would hurt either of us in anyway, we left. We left her, distanced ourselves, cut off all contact. Until she arrived back, and that all came crumbling down. Coming back, staying in her house, sleeping with her. Just brought us back to the start. There is no way they don't know by now how much they can ruin us, using her."

Is that why I'm in danger? Because I was threathened? It couldn't possibly have been that bad, could it have?

Daryl sighed again. "We have to find the jewels." He says.

"WELL WE CAN'T FIND THEM!" Merle suddenly roars.

"WELL WE HAVE TO!" Daryl shouts back.

"Well what do you suggest?" Merle says quietly.

"I don't know yet!" Daryl shouts.


"I KNOW THAT! JESUS! I know we have seven days! I know I shouldn't have slept with her! I know I shouldn't have come back! I know I shouldn't have even looked at her when she arrived in New York! I know I shouldn't have kissed her! I god damn know it! I know that what they're going to do will kill me! I know damn well that I shouldn't have slept with her! I lead her on, but I lead myself on too. Merle you don't get it. Even if I hadn't done any of those things what they said they would do will still hurt me just as much as it's about to."

Merle sighs. Daryl sighs. No one in the room says anything, I strain to hear anything. 

"We have to find the jewels." Daryl says lowly. 

"How?" Merle asks.

"I don't know how. I don't care how. But we have to." He stops.

I peak slowly into the room, Daryl has tears in his eyes and Merle is starring at the ground. There is nine men around them, none daring to speak. 

Silence has set. And Daryl breaks it.

"They'll kill her if we don't."


not proof read.

not edited.

stitch is the cutest thing ever.


i love the name "the united states of america" it sounds so cool. (what the FUCK was wrong with 2015 me)


and yes ido like dots.

lol bye guys sorry for watttpad being weeeiird.

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