The Locker Room Fight (Extra Chapter)

Start from the beginning

The next home, home three, let me go because I'd attempted to survive in the wild after getting into a fight with my roommates.

Home four got rid of me because of a combination of both: I ran away after growing to be the size of a tree. The police found me hiding behind an abandoned warehouse, my giant feet giving my spot away.

Then came home five. Then six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven... It grew to number so large that I've lost count and simply blur the names and faces.

Throughout my early childhood, like a river on an endless journey, I just kept moving and never thought to stop. I never thought to hang around and maybe try, just try, to obtain the life I was so envious of. I never thought to try and make a family of my own. To try and be normal on my own.

Well, I didn't until I met Matrona.


Part 2 - Big Sis Matrona

"Big Sis Matrona!"

I greet my guardian with a wide smile, proudly brandishing the gold medal I'd won in yet another amazing sports day.

Matrona, or Big Sis Matrona as I called her, was a family friend. She knew my parents before they had died and so had taken me in when she heard of their passing. Like me, Matrona was descended from giants. She towered much higher than any other women I'd ever seen, her long blonde hair always pulled into a ponytail. She always dressed in suits or sportswear, only very rarely having a dress or skirt on. She also owned purple eyes like me, but always had a stern face.

Matrona rarely smiled.

"Diane!" Matrona grins at me, beaming with pride as she spots my medal. She puts down her paperwork and holds the medal within her hands, brushing gently over the gold. "I see you did good this year."

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I scoff, rolling my eyes as I place the medal back onto my neck.  "I do well every year."

It was true. I was always an ace at running - hockey was a close second. Running, running away, was something I was used to. I'd been doing it my whole life. So when it came to track events - to using my legs - I always came first.

Giants always came first.

"What about you Dolores?" Matrona turns to Dolores, the other girl within her care.

Like me, Dolores had lost her parents at a young age. She was also giant descended, her height being shorter than mine but still pretty tall. She also owned a wider, but still healthy, gait, her body being much rounder than mine or Matrona's. With her blonde bob and warm brown eyes, Dolores was meek and unsure, always following me about. She wasn't your ideal sportsperson.

I didn't mind Dolores following me - in fact I always proudly held her hand and stood up for the both of us in the face of bullies - but Matrona did. Matrona didn't like that Dolores didn't fit into the stereotype of giants being sporty.

That's one thing Matrona always did: she always pushed for us to be sporty. 

It was the only real way us giants could make it in life.

"Um...well I - " Dolores trails off, blushing as she hides behind her bob cut. 

"Dolores sat out this time," I answered, stepping between her and Matrona. I puff out my chest, gesturing to the ice pack in her hold. "She sprained her ankle during tug of war."

Matrona frowns at this, her purple eyes narrowing but not filling with rage. Instead it is with disappointment, bitter and certain disappointment. I can feel Dolores tremble behind me, knowing that Matrona would go into another one of her rants. I flinch too, anticipating the same old 'giants are sportspeople' rant, but instead she released a sigh.

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