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I apologise for not being able to complete the 1st part of the story because right after the day I decided to talk to the stalker, I fell ill and it took me 2 weeks to recover.

And as soon as I got well I decided to go for jogging again but unfortunately I couldn't find that stalker.( fuckkk!! Doesn't it sound like I'm stalking this stalker..LOL well I must say "KARMA IS A BITCH..HAHA!!"). Well May be that person gave up and felt lazy again or whatever might be the reason. But READERS!!! I've got a twist for y'all and the twist was that I came across the other stalker.

So, this stalker is not someone I never saw. He lives in the very same block where I live and I have seen him plenty of times while going out or roaming around the building. I dunno his name but I can tell you the details bout his appearance.

He's actually a good looking guy with a pretty good physique, and the blonde hairs covering his head made him look even more attractive.

And now I'm gonna tell you what actually happened. I came downstairs for jogging with this thought that I'd find the stalker and complete my story but instead of that stalker I found this blondy guy (since his hairs were blonde). Or may be I should say.. this blondy found me..LOL

So it was 10 minutes after jogging when I realised that this blondy has been gazing at me and I dunno for how long he had been there.

After I saw him gazing at me I changed my route because it made me lill uncomfortable. After few minutes of changing my direction, he came straight to me and said " excuse me! May I talk to you for a sec" which was totally unexpected. I literally got stunned for a sec.

And then this lill conversation happened in between us which goes like this--

-BLONDY: Xcuseme! May I talk to you for a sec?

-ME: (after flushing out my astonishment) yeah! Sure..what is it?

-BLONDY: do you study in career medical college?( may b this person happens to study there thats y he asked) 

-ME: NO! I don't.

-BLONDY: okay! I thought you're a fresher in career medical college so I asked.

(He further tries to hold out the conversation saying-)

So, you live on 4th floor of B1 right?

-ME: yeah! I do live there, actually I'm living at my sister's apartment and m here for few days.          BTW, why are you asking me this? Whats the point?

-BLONDY: just like that. So, where do you live exactly?

-ME: (trying to resist myself from revealing anything to a stranger)

I'm sorry I kinda have to go, m running late.

I ran from there as soon as I could, and kept wondering that how this person got nerves to even talk to me..

I unfortunately had to shift in a new place the next day so GOODBYE stalkers...!!!

(Ps: wish we could talk a little more...LOL)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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