The man rolls his eyes, "Yes Boss." He leaves the room, closing the door on his way out.

"Are you alright?" I tilt my head to face him. I nod gently, "Good. You need to sit up, You haven't eaten in 2 days."

He places a tray on the side table. He reaches for me and helps me sit up, I wince from the pain in my chest. He stops moving, "Are you okay?"

I look at him and nod. He goes back to helping me sit up. He fixes the pillows behind me and then sits down beside me. He takes the tray and places it over his legs, then he picks up a spoon and scoops up some of the soup.

He places the spoon in front of my mouth, "Eat."

I feel hesitant to listen to him. I keep my mouth shut.

He sighs and places the spoon back in the bowl, "I won't force you to eat, but I think you know how the human body works. You will need to eat sooner or later unless you want to starve." He picks up the spoon again and places it against my lips, "So, please eat."

I slowly open my mouth. He smiles slightly and places the spoon in my mouth. I swallow the soup, it feels rough against my throat, but my stomach grumbles for more. He continues to feed me the soup up until there's none left in the bowl.

He picks up a needle of some sort off the tray and squirts it so there's no more air bubbles. I feel nervous and back up a bit. He seemed to notice my tenseness. He reaches for my arm, but I pull it back.

He sighs, "Give me your arm." I shake my head, "I'm going to count down from 3. If you don't give me your arm once I reach one, you will not like the end result. 3.. 2.. 1.." I stay in place. He lets out a frustrated sigh, "Now you're just being a pain in the ass. Give me your arm, this is your last warning."

I don't move. He puts the needle down on the tray and places it on the side table. He stands up and then pulls my legs down so the rest of my body falls back against the bed. My chest hurts from the movement. I feel my legs being tied down. He moves up and ties my arm down. I try to push away from him but he pulls me closer to him, "I warned you."

He pulls my arm towards him. I shake my head, tears falling from my eyes, "N-no."

He stops for a second, "I'm not going to hurt you, if I don't half to."

I look at him and continue to cry, "P-Please, n-no."

He sighs and grabs the needle off the tray again. I start to shake my head again, "No. No. No." He ignores me and pulls my arm out, keeping it steady in place. He takes the needle and inserts it into my arm, "No, please. No." He empties out the liquid and then pulls out the needle.

He puts the needle back down on the tray and then looks at me, "I told you, I don't want to hurt you."

I feel my senses become less steady. My vision blurred, I felt like I was floating.

"Let's to..." the rest of his words come out as mumbles. I feel myself float higher and higher.

I tilt my head to the side and through the blurs I see a tall man in all black staring at me. My body seems to stop moving out of nowhere and I stand there defenseless.

I stare forward at the man in front of me. I can't see his face. Honestly I can't see anything but a black figure in front of me, slowly coming closer. My breathing starts to stagger as I watch the figure come closer to me.

One step after another. Until it stops in front of me. I look up at the figure as it looks down at me. Without warning it pulls me against him and I scream as I'm being pulled into the darkness.

I scream and scream. I feel something wrap around me, "Y/N! Calm down! You're okay! You're okay!"

I stop screaming and fall back against the bed. I still feel something wrapped around me. I try to open my eyes, but it hurts to open, "What the fuck did you give her?" The voice is angry.

Another voice sighs, "It's a light sedative."

The voice scoffs, "Like hell it's a light sedative. You drugged her."

"What do you think a sedative is?"

The voice scoffs again but doesn't try to defend.


"What? Why?"

"Because you're not needed anymore."


"LEAVE!" the bed undips and I hear someone rush out of the room, the door shuts. Steps make their way towards me, "Y/n, open your eyes."

I shake my head, "h-hur-rts."

The bed dips down slightly, "I know it does. But you need to open them."

I listen to him and open my eyes. They start to burn. I feel tears form and I cry, "h-hur-rts"I feel a soft compress, like a cloth, being placed over my eyes. My eyes slowly stop burning the longer the cloth stays over them.

"Is that better?" I nod. He pulls the cloth away and I open my eyes.

My vision unblurs and I can see my surroundings. I'm in a different room, in a bedroom. I move to sit up, "Ow." I place my hand over my chest.

"Yeah, your chest is still healing. Be gentle." He helps me sit up.

I lay back against the headboard. I look straight at him and that's when I remember what he did. I glared at him, "Y-you drug-ged me."

He rolls his eyes, "Jesus christ. Of course I drugged you. I was bringing you to a different building, I don't trust you to know where you are. So yeah, I drugged you. It wasn't my fault you had a bad trip. If you would have listened to me like I said and stayed calm, it might have been better."

"W-why did-dn't you say?"

He shrugs, "I didn't see the point in telling you."

I cross my arms over my chest and look away from him.

He laughs, "What are you mad at me now?"

I scoff, "Th-that's an understatement."

He chuckles lightly and stands up, "You're still on bed rest for the next week. After that I will tell you the reason why you're here in my humble abode."

I look over at him, "Wha-" Before I can get a word out, he's gone. The door's shut. Me in this bedroom all alone.

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