oh shit~ maddie

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Maddies pov:
I stand there shocked I cannot believe I was dumb enough to let her find out God how could I be so utterly stupid. Well maybe she doesn't know but I'm pretty sure she does. God my demons start roaring God you can't even have an eating disorder right. I'm so scared guess I'll just hope for the best,  I guess I didn't notice I was shaking,... because the next thing I know demi is shaking me asking if I'm okay.

demis pov:
  "are you okay"I ask. she just stares she calms down a bit and waits for me to start talking. "okay" I start. "so I know that you've been working on your guitar and singing, even though you like to hide your talent from everyone I know it's there so I got you a new guitar." I run inside and grab the guitar

Maddies pov
next thing I know demi is running inside and then back out with the brand new guitar I have been wanting, once again
how the fuck did she know.  I'm so happy that she doesn't know about the sh and ana. (self harm and anorexia)  I hug her and yell thanks demi. I go to show her a new song I've been working on.

it starts:
this is a story that I have never told

I gotta get this off my chest to let

it go I need to take back,the light

inside you stole your a criminal

and you steal like your a pro

by the end of the song she's crying and hugging me complementing me on my talents I put on a fake smile and she compliments that too, maybe this won't be so hard to hide.

---------------------------------------okay so authors note,  nobody reads these? oh well. I'm so happy I got to update if you guys want updates just let me know if you want something to happen in the story let me know if you comment I'll dedicate the chapter to you.  one inspiring person totally flipped my mood around and made me update today I feel like nobody cares about this fan fic but who knows it could get popular. anyways comment and vote. thanks so much for the insporation

is the user name of the girl who inspired me


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