don't tell demi.

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Demis pov

maddie has been acting weird just racing off to bed like that she usually loves to spend time with me. Maybe she just had a long day helping my parents prepare for my arrival. Well it was her choice not to come so I'm just going to have a good time with my bestie. Moments later Mar is here and ready to go, she honks the horn of her convertible and text me to get my ass outside. I yell to maddie last chance to come, she says she'll wait up and spend time with me when I get home

Maddies pov

I told demi I would wait up ya sure that'll happen I just said that to get her off my case with all the pills I took I would be asleep in no time. I don't want her to suspect anything so I better get good at hiding it.

Marissas pov:

I was really bummed that Maddie didn't want to come but I figured that she was just tired and it didn't bother me having a little alone time with my best friend. I love demi she has been with me through all my hard crap even though she's been through a lot worse and I've been by her side every step of the way, anyways putting that aside me and demi were gonna have a bomb night at the movies. I was so exited we were gonna go see the lazarus effect, demi loved scary movies but to be honest I was a little scared. She hopped in my car and I floored it, in no time we were there.

Demis pov:

We just arrived at the theater of course there was tons of papz there. I looked over at marissa, she hates the papz I apologized quickly saying that I had tweeted but that the movie theater wouldn't let them in without a ticket so we would only have to deal with fans. She nodded and we ran past the papz, while running I heard them tell me to keep my nose clean the anger in me boiled over and I turned around and flipped them off. In no time we were in the theater I leaned into Marissa and said "no doubt that'll be in the media later." We quickly got our tickets and shuffled inside

Marissas pov:

Once we bought our tickets demi was in a hurry to get seats. I told her that I wanted some candy and popcorn I couldn't tell what was going through her mind but I knew she just wanted to hurry to the theater I quickly grabbed the snacks and we headed into the theater. While we were watching the movie something popped up on the screen and demi started laughing I jumped and screamed I grabbed demi and we just laughed in each other's arms. Soon after the movie was over and we were back in my convertible

Demis pov:

So let's just say marissa can't handle scary movies . Anyways it was over and now I could go see maddie. I wonder if she was ACTULLY waiting up for me or just said that to get me off her case. Its only 11:45 I mean c'mon what 15 year old goes to bed that early. We entered my house quietly in case my parents were asleep I walked up to Maddies room, I guess my 15 year old sister does. I saw her face barley sticking out of the covers and I heard her faint snores that were more like heavy breathing, she so delicate about everything, even snoring. Marissa told me she had to head out because It was a 20 minute drive back to where she was staying and she wasn't that good driving at night.

Marissas pov:

I headed out the door and into my convertible and started my journey home with my best friends single, neon lights on the radio

demis pov

I hopped in bed and in no time I was sleeping, I guess tomorrow would be mine and Maddies day.

hey okay so authors note I guess
ik not many people read this but if you do thanks anyways so my name is maya Maddie is 15 in this fan fic um I will be updating regularly I guess demi is still 21 and Marissa is 22. Please comment what you want to happen next

I don't think demi should find out about Maddie yet

Should Marissa and demi be a thing or should they stay friends

Should Wilmer or nick come in

Should there be drama or cute moments??

~Maya. Stay strong

Demi and Maddie ; unbrokenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora