12|: Sit and wait

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And so, like the trouble maker she was, Isla convinced Bloom to do the thing Aisha told her not to do.

Isla however was thankful she had their backs since Bloom had "a terrible migraine". Isla didn't need much of an excuse, because it would be even weirder if she was actually attending the assembly.

"Gosh, this place could use a glow up, practically inhaling dust at this point." said Isla who had been looking around the wing.

They roamed around a bit before Isla discovered a staircase going down to a lower level.

"Let's go down here," Isla leads the way down the creepy-looking stairs with Bloom trailing behind. They found a dusty door, much like the rest of the area, and Isla looked to Bloom with a knowing look.

Bloom looked at her confused.

"Uh, i'm not going first, that's the number one rule in a horror movie."

Bloom shook her head and went forward grabbing the handle to then pry it open.

"Well? What's in there?" Isla snuck a little in between the gaps of the door and bloom to have a peak.


"What are you doing down here?" The door was suddenly shut closed and the girls looked to the mystery voice and saw sky, who didn't look all that happy.

"Hey! Sky! So great to see you!-"

"Cut the crap Isla, why are you down here? Much less with Bloom?"

Isla looked to Bloom with a look hunting for permission to say what they were doing in the dusty old building.

"We're looking for anything that could help Bloom figure out anything that has to do with Rosalind and her birth parents." Isla replied.

"It's true. And I asked your sister to help me so don't get mad at her for anything. This is all on me"

"You heard her," Isla pointed now having an excuse to avoid trouble with her big bro.

Sky look disapprovingly at Bloom. He was a bit irritated that his sister was now all up in Blooms "changling" mess. But he was sorta happy his sister was somewhat making friends. Friends other than Riven.

"Okay what's the magic year?" Bloom was ecstatic that Sky was okay with all this and quickly turned around to scavenge for files.

"I was born in 2004, so keep your eyes peeled from anything from then," Bloom said looking around a shelf of records and files.

"Not sure we're gonna find pictures of pregnant teen fairies, Bloom." Sky said.

"Might be a little more subtle than that. Like loose clothes, big sweaters, girl holding a stack of books over her stomach," Bloom sighed after taking a glance to the tall male blonde, "look if you're going to judge, kindly join the rest of the student body and do so behind my back." Bloom said while looking around.

Bloom and Sky continue their little talk, which Isla had kindly muted in her head. She walked away from the two and found another room that was attached to the room before by a arched door.

There were quite a few shelves filled with boxes. She opened a lid of one and coughed a little from all the dust. She was starting to think this was a bad idea.

There was a box that was stacked with old photos and frames. And at the top of the box was a 4x8 frame that had very familiar people photographed inside.

"Dad..." Isla whispered to herself.

There in the photo Andreas stood with  Silvas arm wrapped around his shoulders. Both males were smiling and it looked like the photo was taken unexpectedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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