7|: Worried

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Everything was bad. Not only was Silva deeply injured, Isla had taken a hit as well.

"Silva?" Sky looked down to the bottom of the common/cafeteria area to see both family members hurt.

"I need a med kit from the bastion!!" Terra yells struggling to keep Silva up right, meanwhile Musa had Isla with her.


Riven and Beatrix stumble in and the hurt blond alerts the both of them. More so the male brunet.

"ISLA!!" He runs quickly to the injured girl grabs a hold of her.

Sky is now aware that Silva wasn't the only one hurt and quickly a runs down to see his sister.

"What the hell happened?!" Riven spits at the other mind fairy in anger. Musa couldn't figure out the words because she herself was confused and stressed.

Sky is overwhelmed by everything and couldn't figure out who to help, his sister or Silva. Both of his remaining family members were hurt. He didn't know what to do.

"Riven- AHHHH!!" The blonde female screams in pain, there was a piece of the burned one stuck in the wound on her leg, making the pain 10x worse.

"Dane help me get them into the greenhouse." Dane grabs the other arm of Silva and helps carry him back to the green house.

"Musa you've got Isla?"

"No ive got her." Riven grabs the girl from Musa and picks her up bridal style. Sky slightly annoyed and confused at Rivens sudden actions but sets those emotions aside. Focusing on the main situation.

"IT HURTSS!!" Isla yells on agony grabbing a hold onto Riven.

"Don't worry love we'll get you to Mr. Harvey and he'll fix you right up ok?" Riven Trying to calm the girl in his arms all while trying to calm himself down.

He couldn't understand why she would go out into the forest while the news of burned ones were going around. He was trying to push into the back of his head that he was at fault. He didn't want to think it was his influence that made her do it.

"Dad we've got a problem!!!" Harvey turned from his work to see his daughter with not only Silva but the mans adoptive daughter injured.

"Terra?! What on earth happened?"

"It was the burned one, it got Silva bad," terra says putting the man she was holding onto a bench then looking back to the girl in Rivens hands.

"But I think it got isla worse." Terra motions to put the blonde onto a nearby table.

"AHHHH-FUCKING SHIT- URGH- IT HURTS!!!" Isla continues to scream and writhe in pain.

Riven places the girl onto that table and Harvey comes up to inspect.

"What the fuck is happening to her?!!!" Riven yells and tries to gently hold the girl down On the table while Mr. Harvey comes to inspect the wound.

"I believe that there's still a piece of the burned one in the wound, I'm going to have to take it out. Terra hun look after professor Silva-."

"Got it," the girl cuts her dad of her dad quickly knowing what he wanted and went to Silva's aid.

Harvey runs to a drawer grabbing the necessary tools to remove the small burned one chunk and heads back to the girl.

Riven grabs the blondes hand in attempt to ease her pain but the screams just get louder.

"Alright we're going to remove the piece of the burned one now iso hold on tight to that hand." Harvey warns the girl and begins the procedure.

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