Pushed to the Edge

Start from the beginning

When they went in, Madam Pomfrey came out and wasn't surprised to see (Y/N) in there, but she was surprised at the reason. Pomfrey took over and let Pince return to the Library, "What happened to him?"

"He - He opened a letter... and then th-this greenish-yellow stuff shot out at his face... it must be acidic..." Hermione answered as her anxiety rose.

"Someone cursed a letter... who did you anger, (L/N)?" Pomfrey asked as she proceeded to take his hands away from his face to assess the total damage.

Hermione gasped, seeing how burned his face had become. It corroded right through his skin and had started into his facial muscles. She turned and ran over to a trash can, proceeding to empty her stomach contents into it, which at that point was mainly stomach acid.

Afterwards, she walked back to him; unable to look at him until Pomfrey fixed him up. She felt bad for not being able to control herself, but she wasn't the best at seeing a human suffer from that.

When (Y/N) exploded the Troll's head back in their First Year, she was fine with it because the Troll attacked her, and it wasn't human. Had it been senseless slaughter, that would've been entirely different. (Y/N) was a human, though, and her best friend at that; that made it hard to not get queasy.

"Alright, that's all I can do. You'll look good as new by tomorrow morning, but I'm afraid you will have to stay here overnight," she said to him and walked back to her office to get something.

Hermione looked up cautiously and saw his face was fine, but his eye-patch he'd been wearing had fallen completely apart. His left eyelids were closed together, and blood had started to run through them, "Madam Pomfrey?"

"Yes, Miss Granger?" She asked as she walked back out with a new eye-patch.

"His left... w-well, where his eye used to be is bleeding," Hermione said to the Matron.

Pomfrey hurried over and saw that it was true, "I'm sorry, (L/N), but I'm going to have to cauterize your socket again." He said and did nothing, but his eyelids opened. She pulled her wand out and pointed it at the socket, "Adurendem," she said and his socket was filled with a flame for a moment. He hunched forward in pain, grunting from the searing pain he felt momentarily. "This new eye-patch has been enchanted to withstand most forms of damage, so your eye-socket will be protected from most things."

Pomfrey returned to her office after putting on his new eye-patch, leaving Hermione out there with him, "(Y/N), I'm so sorry this happened to you."

He didn't answer. His head was hung low, and his shoulders began to shake.

"(Y/N)?" Hermione got up from her seat and walked over to him, sitting beside him on the bed. She saw something hit the floor, and that it was wet, 'He's crying...' Hermione's heart almost broke seeing him in this state of vulnerability. She wanted to understand his pain; she couldn't understand why exactly he was in such a vulnerable state, and she wanted to ask him, but knew she couldn't without the possibility of serious repercussions.

She carefully placed a hand on his shoulder to be sure he would allow the physical contact. When he didn't flinch away, she put her arm around his shoulders. His hands had gripped the mattress tightly, and barely audible sounds of agony escaped his lips.

She sat there with him through dinner. She had no appetite, but did ask if he was hungry. He shook his head 'no', and when she asked if he was sure, he nodded.

When he was too tired to stay up, he laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a little while. Hermione got in the bed off to his right so she was still in his peripheral vision. She wanted him to know she was still there without having to crane his neck to see her. She had fallen asleep not long after.

Book 3: The Prisoner of Azkaban - A Hermione x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now