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A warm sunny day had dawned. It was summer. The clock showed 9 o'clock. Clarissa Kepner was up early today. For 4 hours, the wedding planner had been up and running around like crazy. She had a big wedding coming up today. Her first really big wedding that she organized herself with her business. 342 guests would gather at Millennium Biltmore Hotel to join the bride and groom in celebrating the big day.

Clarissa, who has been running the business for a year along with her employee Jake Humphrey, had already picked up the bride's wedding dress and brought it to her at the hotel, introducing her hair stylist and makeup artist at the same time. A brief visit to the baking studio, which had been hired to make the 10-tier cake, had also taken place. Now she was on her way to the catering company. There must have been some problems with the food. Clary hated it when problems arose on the day of the wedding itself.

The young woman was stressed and her work colleague was feeling it all. By now, the brown-haired man had given up trying to calm her down and talk to her. He sat in the passenger seat and played around on his cell phone while Clarissa yelled around like crazy. The idiots on the road were a big problem today. No one could drive like they were supposed to. The redhead was worried that she wouldn't be able to get everything ready in time and get the wedding on stage as planned.

"Clary watch out!" Jake yelled suddenly, while the woman went on another rant. The young woman hadn't been paying much attention to the lights. While she was still driving quickly through the light that had jumped to orange a second ago, someone on the other side had not been in a hurry enough. While the driver of the other car had noticed that the cars had stopped, he had already driven through red while only half watching the road. His gaze was fixed on his cell phone, on which he was trying to pick out another music. He didn't notice that he drove straight into Clarissa's car.

A loud bang. Pieces of glass flew through the area. The black Audi of Clary flew against a lamp post. The force caused it to come loose and fall loudly onto the car, crushing the two passengers all the more. Clarissa was still conscious for a few moments before she too fell into the black darkness.

Big shoutout to yin_yang_wolff for the cover

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