Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I know Chris and Karl aren't together but I love their friendship and I know Tucker is only a baby but in this story he is older
By the time they had made it back to their apartment Karl's parents and brother and sister were already there. "Why did you want us to meet you here Sean said something about wanting to talk to us about who is that little boy standing beside your friend?"

"Guys I need you too come inside before we can tell you." Everybody went inside and found different places to sit down.
"Ok you know how I moved out of the place I was staying before right?"

Everybody nodded Sean played along because Karl had already told him that he was gay and was dating Chris. "Well my old roommate got jealous of mine and Chris's friendship because he liked me too but that's besides the point but what I'm saying is I'm gay and Chris proposed."

"Oh honey thank you for telling us we still love you you are oldest son and we will love Chris as if you were straight and getting married. but what's with the little boy?"
"He is my son mam I was married before but something happened and she took him. He just found me today." "Wait you have a son?" "Yes I'm bisexual so I have had boyfriends and girlfriends and I would never hurt your son I love him with all my heart I was actually the one to get Karl the job as the camera man because I told my friend if we don't get him I'll quit so we got Karl and then after one of our friends left he joined his brother's team."

"Oh we have presents for everybody that's why it took us a minute to get here." Karl handed everybody a paper bag and told them to open it.

"Karl what's going on why do we have shirts that says I can't wait to meet you?" "We are adopting a baby boy. He is just the cutest little boy we just have to move and get our new house checked they wanted us to have a safe place and an apartment isn't the best place."

Six months later

"DAD PAPA IM HOME FROM SCHOOL." "Tucker Stephen Tyson you don't yell in the house I just got your brother to sleep." "Sorry papa. Where's dad?" "At the warehouse he had to stay for a video that he and Jimmy are doing." "Why didn't you stay."

"Somebody had to wait for you." "Papa can we please go to the warehouse? Please." "I don't know Tuck your brother just got over being sick."
Karl hated upsetting his godson but he knew that Chris would kill him if Tyler got sick again.
"Dad would of let me." "No not if your brother just got better." "What would I do or don't."
"Daddy can I please go to the warehouse with you and papa."

"Not this weekend buddy your going to your mom's house for the week." "I hate going over there." "I know you do but Uncle Jimmy is taking Ty for the weekend." "Why can't I go with Tyler." "Buddy why do you not like going to your mom's house."

Tucker looked at his feet and mumbled something. "What did you say." Before Chris got a chance to listen to Tucker the baby monitor started going off signaling that Tyler was a wake.

"Hold on Tuck Tuck let me go get your brother and then we can talk."
Tucker sighed and sat down on the couch and looked over at his godfather cooking dinner.
"Alright baby boy can you not cry while daddy go fix your bottle and Tucker as soon as I feed him we can talk."

Chris headed into the kitchen to make a bottle but Karl had already made one and stored it in the fridge. "Thanks babe."
"Alright why do you not like going to your mom's."
"Thomas her new boyfriend comes into my room and does stuff." Chris looked shocked that had been happening to him. "Dose your mom know?" "She won't listen." "Is that why you were very present at not letting us take you home?" Tucker nodded and started to cry.

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