Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I know that Chris and Karl aren't together but I love their friendship and I know Tucker is still a baby but he is older in my story

Once Karl return to the wear house he sent Tucker in their offices to work on his homework. "Oh Karl look at how big she has gotten." "I know six weeks go so fast." Tucker popped his head out of the door and saw that they all were playing with Brooklyn and Tyler.

"Brooklyn this Brooklyn that oh Tyler needs his diaper changed what about me." Then an idea hit him. "Guys I'm going to see if Tucker needs any help on his homework."

Everybody ignored Karl so he went to their office. "Need any help." "Pa pa." Just then Tucker crawled up to him and Karl knew right away what he was doing.

"Alright I know you are jealous of Brookie and Ty Ty but I need you too be that amazing big brother you are." "How do you know that I was jealous of them?" "Every older siblings get jealous of their younger siblings and when they get older they will be jealous of you because you get to do stuff that they can't do." "How do you know this?"

"I have an older sister and a younger brother I was four when Sean was born and so I saw my mom and dad take care of him more than me but at the same time I saw my sister go to school and have play dates and do stuff with just mom so I know exactly how you feel. So do you need any help on your homework?" Tucker shock his head and went back to his homework.

"Papa?" "Yes Tucker?" "Can I read a book to them before bed time?" Karl smiled and nodded. "Do you actually want to help me with bed time?" Tucker smiled. "Yes." "And how about this Saturday I can see if one of your uncles can babysit and me you and your dad can have a fathers son day." Tucker hugged Karl and went back to his homework while Karl left and headed to where the rest of his family where.

Karl pulled Chris from behind and rested his chin on his shoulder. "Hey what took you so long?" "An older brother jealousy." "Oh." Chris knew that Karl would handle it better than anybody because of how much there is a gap between him and Sean. Once they got back Brooklyn and Tyler they went to the office to get Tucker but found him asleep. "Hey guys do you need a hand?" They turned and saw Chandler standing behind them.

"Yes we do actually. Can you carry Tucker to the car?" "Yeah sure no problem." With the help of Chandler they got all three of them in the car and drove home. "Tucker time to wake up buddy we are home." Tucker stretched and saw that Chris was right. "Alright."

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