Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I know that Chris and Karl aren't together but I love their friendship and I know Tucker is still a baby but in my story he is older

After what Tucker had told them they went straight to the police and had arrested Thomas and gave Katie a warning.
"Papa are you ok?" Karl turned and saw Tucker standing behind him. "Yeah just feeling a bit off." Tucker shrugged his shoulders and went to start on his homework.

When Karl was about done cooking he felt himself being pulled into somebody chest. "Still feeling bad?" Karl turned in Chris's arms and gave him a kiss.

"Not as bad as this morning but still feeling bad." "The guys want to see us tomorrow because Jim Jim wants us all for a video and don't worry he said that Tucker and Ty can come too."

As he predicted he heard feet running over to them. "IS IT TRUE I GET TO GO TO WORK WITH YOU GUYS!" "Yes since it's Saturday tomorrow and you don't go to your moms this week."  "I get to go to the warehouse." Chris and Karl laughed at Tucker little dance and joined in.

After dinner

Tucker Karl and Chris were all on the couch watching a movie when Tyler started to cry. "I'll get him you guys keep watching the movie." Chris and Tucker both ignored him Karl felt a little hurt that Chris ignored him but counted on to the nursery.

"Oh Ty I think ever since father and son had been reunited that Chris has been ignoring me when I talk to him." Karl cuddled the baby close to him and got everything he need to change his diaper.
Once Karl was done he carried Tyler out of his room and carried him into the kitchen and placed him in his high chair

A few minutes back in the living room with Chris and Tucker
Chris reached over to pull Karl closer but when his hand met where Karl was sitting it was just the back of the couch.

Chris was about to ask Tucker where he went when he heard him in the nursery "Oh Ty I think ever since father and son had been reunited that Chris has been ignoring me when I talk to him." Chris thought back to their conversation and thought about what he was doing. When Karl went past the living room to go into the kitchen he didn't even say anything

Back to present time
Chris came into the kitchen and sat down on a kitchen chair and waited until Karl was done feeding the baby. "I know your in here Chris what do you want." Chris scooted his chair closer to Karl's.

"I'm sorry if you feel ignored I don't mean to do that on purpose." Karl turned in his chair to look at Chris. "You don't?" "No of course not you are one of the best things to happen to me." Karl smiled and took Tyler out of his high chair.

"Are you ready to have some more family time before the kids go to bed?" "Yes." Chris and Karl walked back in and saw that Tucker had picked a different move. "What happened to the first move?" "I got bored with it."

Once the other movie was over both Tucker and Tyler were asleep. "I got Tuck if you got Ty." "Thanks Karl" Karl carried Tucker into his room and when he was about to leave he heard Tucker say something.

Karl went back into the room and looked at Tucker "What did you say Tuck?" "I said I love you papa." Karl tried to blink back because he never told him that he loved him "I love you too Tuck more than anything."

Karl went out of Tucker's room and into his and Chris's room and cried. When Chris entered the room Karl was still crying. "Oh baby what's wrong?" "Tucker told me that he loved me." Chris smiled at him because two out of three most important people in his life cared about each other.

"Why are you more emotional then normal?" "I have no clue." Chris was worried about him because on their anniversary they had sex and didn't use a condom and that was two weeks ago.

"Kar do you remember what Jimmy told us when we got engaged and told us that one and 100,000 men can get pregnant do you think that you are one of them?" "That would explain everything how I just throw up with out worning then I feel fine after words."

Time jump to when they are at the warehouse

"Hey guys." Karl pushed the stroller close to his desk so it would be out of the way. "Ok now that we have everybody here I need more video ideas we have tried every thing." Karl thought about what Jimmy had said and looked over at Chris who was not paying attention.

"What if we did the boys scouts challenge again because I was still new at the time and Nolan was there yet." Just then Tucker came over and stud next to his dad and that gave Jimmy an idea. "What about helping out at a school or an orphanage."

Everybody agreed and went on with filming other videos.
Chris and Jimmy was filming a bestreacts when Tucker Karl and Tyler came into the view Karl had something in his hands. "What's going on?"

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