Chapter 15

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Disclaimer : I know that Chris and Karl aren't together, and Tucker is still little, but he is older in my story

"I found your brother." "How did you find him?"  "On Facebook." "Is he OK? Did he get adopted?" "I didn't ask him, but he wants to meet up with you and meet Casie."
Tucker knew that people meeting Casie was hard for Maya to do.
Just then, Tuckers phone started to ring

"Tucker, it's me, Andrew."
"Hey Andrew, I have your sister in here if you want to her"
"Yes please"

Tucker handed his phone to Maya and then stepped out of his and Tyler's room to give her some privacy.

Just then, Casie came upstairs and ran to Tucker and started to cry. "Casie, what's wrong?" "Mommy disappeared." "She didn't disappeared she's in my room talking on the phone." Casie went into the room and saw that Tucker was right, and she had tears coming down her face.

"Mommy, why are you crying? Did Daddy hit you like daddy Eric?"

"Ans, I got to go." Maya turned and then looked her daughter in her eyes. "Casie, why did you call your dad by his first name." Casie didn't know that she wasn't supposed to call Eric by his first name, so she started to cry.

"Oh sweet girl, I didn't mean to make you cry, but you don't call me or daddy by our first names, ok?" "Ok mommy I'm sorry." "It's ok baby but what are you doing up." "I got up to go potty, and when I went your bed to cuddle with you, you weren't there."

Maya was proud of Casie for waking up to go to the bathroom, but Casie has a hard time with staying in her bed. "Alright, sweet girl, it's time for bed." Maya picked Casie up and carried her back down to the basement.

The next morning

"Casie, sweet girl, time to wake up." Casie rolled closer to the wall as she wasn't a morning person. "Come on Casie, it's time for school." "Daddy coming today?" "No it's Monday." Casie turned, and Maya smiled as she saw Casie blue eyes. "Are you ready to get dressed?" "Is pop pop making breakfast?" "Casie who is pop pop?" "Daddy's papa." "No baby he's already at work."

Casie fround but still got dressed for preschool. "Mommy can daddy braid my hair I like how he fixed it." "Are you talking about Tucker?" "Yes. Daddy Eric doesn't love me." "Why do you say that?" Casie looked down at her dress and then back up at her mom.

"Daddy Eric doesn't read to me or sing me songs or give me a bath grandma dose it all when I go to Daddy's." Casie started to cry as she thought about her dad.

"Dose daddy do anything while your with him?" Casie didn't know how to answer that question so she just looked at her mom while the tears were coming down fast.

"Ok baby let's go." Maya took Casie hand and took her upstairs were Tucker was waiting by the stove with their breakfast. "I made my special egg and ham sandwiches because I know somebody's birthday is today."

Casie ran and looked at the calendar that Chris and Karl put at her height and saw the number four with a big red marker with the days before it crossed off.

"Today is my birthday, and I get to go to school on it that is so cool." "You won't always think it's cool." Casie looked at Tucker and then Maya and then started to eat her breakfast. "Mommy do I get the special treat at school today?"

Casie has been telling Maya all about the treat basket that her teachers do for the kids birthdays.

"Yes now get your jacket on if you are done." Casie ran over to the coat rack and pulled down on hers.

In the kitchen with Tucker and Maya

"Are you nervous about seeing Andrew?" "No not really but I am nervous about him meeting Casie." "Yes and no."  "Why, no?" "I'm scared that he will hurt her, but I know that he won't."

Just then, Casie ran into the kitchen so the two teens stopped what they were talking about. "Mommy can you help me with my jacket? I can't do it." "Sure baby."

Maya helped Casie zip her coat, and then the three of them left for the preschool that Casie attended. "Alright birthday girl are you ready to go play with your friends." "Yes!"

Maya and Casie got out of Tucker car and walked into the building.

"Hi Casie. Is today your birthday?" "Yes and I get to wear the special birthday crown at pretend time." The front office worker then turned her attention to Maya.

"Are you bringing in anything?" "No I got school and don't have the money to do anything special." "Ok. Do you want to walk Casie back to her class?"  Maya checked her phone and saw that she and Tucker had ten minutes to get to the high school. "I can't I'm running late alright baby give mommy kisses."

Maya bent down to Casie's height and gave her a hug and kiss. "I'll see you after school baby." Casie grabbed the respchens hand and walked to her classroom.

Maya left once Casie was down the hall and headed back to Tucker's truck and the two teens then headed for school.

"Maya when dose Casie have lunch or snack time?" "Noon is lunch. Why?" "Good because I'm a claricolrle in Ms. Thomas class and she let's me pretty much let's me do whatever I want so I want to eat lunch with Casie I was reading up on her school's rules and they said that if you are in the pick up list you can go get her from the classroom and eat lunch with her."

Maya was touched that Tucker would go out of his way to make Casie's birthday happy because Maya saw the hurt in Casie face when she heard that Maya wasn't doing anything for her birthday.

"Your the best Tucker." "I know but I love that little girl like she was my own daughter."

At noon

Tucker was shown the way to Casie's classroom and smiled when he saw Casie playing with another little girl. "Casie I think somebody special is her to get you or something." Casie turned and a huge smile came on her face as she stood up and ran to Tucker and hugged him around his legs.

"Daddy what are you doing here?" "I came to eat lunch with you do you want to introduce me to your friend?" Casie nodded and then took Tucker's hand and lead him to were she was playing when Tucker got to the room.

"Bell this is my daddy daddy this is Bell." "Why nice to meet you Bell my name is Tucker." "Casie I thought you said that your Daddy's name is Eric?" "It is but this daddy." She pointed to Tucker.

"Is dating my mommy and he loves me and I love him." Tucker was touched.

Just then the teacher came over to the group. "Hey guys it's time to eat and you are free to take Casie." "Ok. Casie where do you want to eat lunch at?" Tucker and Casie grabbed each other's hand, and Casie smiled all the way to Tucker car.

"Is that the birthday crown you were telling me and mommy about?" "Yes Ms Grace has all different colors and today is a girl in my class called Lila's birthday too but she doesn't know who her mommy or daddy is because she says she a foster child and has been since she was a baby."

"Oh wow that's a big word for you. How did you hear that word?" "One time when daddy Eric and mommy were fighting I heard daddy Eric say a bad word and told mommy that nobody would love her because she was a foster child and when daddy Eric left I asked mommy what a foster child was."

Tucker was shocked that Casie had witnessed her parents fighting.

Later that week

Maya and Andrew were meeting up and then they are taking Casie to the park with Tucker.

Maya was pacing around the restaurant and then saw a truck pull up in front of her and saw Andrew get out of the truck. "Andrew." "Maya." The two hugged and then went into the restaurant.

"So Maya how have you been?" "I have been good. Have you talked to dad?" "Yes I actually live with him and his girlfriend and her daughter." "Dad has a new girlfriend?" "Yeah she was a prison guard and they fell in love. How's your daughter? I can't wait to meet her." Maya smiled and then told Andrew all about Casie.

After their meal

Maya went to get Casie and Tucker and then drove them to the park.

Once at the park

"Mommy let me out I want to go play." "Hold on sweet girl there's somebody I want you to meet." Casie wasn't happy about that so she started to cry.

Just then a truck pulled up next to them

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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