Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: I know that Chris and Karl aren't together and that Tucker is still little but he is older in my story

The week went by fast and soon it was time for Tucker's game. "Are you nervous Tuck?" "About the game no about messing up in front of Maya yes." "Tucker your the best player out there." "Thanks Pa."

Just then  Maya came over to them holding Casie's hand. "Hey Maya I thought you said that Casie goes to her dad's on Fridays?" "She dose but he ditched her and her preschool couldn't get a hold of him."  Just then Tucker saw his coach coming. "I got to get ready."

Once the game was over Maya and Chris and Karl all went over to were Tucker was with a recorter. "Dad Pa I did it I got signed." "Oh my gosh Tucker that's amazing. What school signed you?" "The one in Austin Texas."  Maya looked sad and Tucker noticed.

"Are you ok?" Maya sighed and then looked down at Casie who was asleep in her arms. "Tucker I can't afford a college like that." "I know I got a full ride and so you can use my college fund." "How much is it." "18,000 but we can still work jobs to get more."

"I have bills to pay." "Come live with us." "Will there be enough room?" "Yeah my dads have a full basement that they use as an apartment to get a little extra money." "Are you positive that they will be ok with it?" "Yes." 

Maya and Tucker walked together over to Chris and Karl. "Dad pa is it cool if Maya and her daughter use the apartment in the basement?" "Yeah just no sneaking down there." "Don't worry I won't and we aren't that far."  "Good."

Just then Casie moved in Maya arms.

"Mommy where's daddy?" "I don't know baby." Casie turned and smiled when she saw Tucker. "DADDY!" Tucker and Maya were both shocked that she called Tucker that.

"Casie I'm not your daddy." "Daddy." "Casie." Casie turned to the new vice and saw Erick. "No bad daddy." "Casie what do you mean bad daddy?" Casie hid her face in Maya's shirt.

"Tucker were going to the car." "Ok I'm going to drive Maya back to her house." "Ok see you at home." Tucker nodded and watched as Chris and the rest of his family walk to their car.

"Tucker is it cool if you take Casie I have to talk to Erick." Tucker nodded then Maya passed her daughter over to him.

Staying with Maya and Erick

"What dose Casie mean bad daddy? And tell me the truth Erick." "I don't know." "Erick I'm not putting up with you lying to me about our daughter I trusted you with her."

Erick could tell that Maya is mad. "I'm not telling you." "Erick if you don't tell me the truth you will never see her again." "You can't do that." "Yes I can I can go to the court and request full custody of her and revoked your parental rights." "No you can't I'm the one with the job."

"I would of had a job if you would look after your daughter but no playing video games is more important than her." Just then Erick smacked her. When she was about to say something Erick was pushed up by the wall by Tucker.

"You never lay a hand on a female or anybody at that." "Then why did you attack me." "Tucker where's Casie?" "With my dads I saw it was getting heated and I didn't want her to see any of that." "I thought they went home." " pa and my brother and sister did but my dad likes to make sure I get home safe."

Just then a police officer came up to them.

"I'm sorry sirs and ma'am but we need you to leave because we need to close the building." "We are so sorry and we will be on our way." They all followed to the door but Erick and Tucker were pulled back before they could leave.

"Now I'm only going to stop you for a little bit but what happened back there?" "Erick was suppose to pick his and Maya's daughter up from school but he left her and nobody could get ahold of him so Maya had to bring Casie to my game because I invited her and then after my game out of nowhere Erick shows up."

"Ok. Now what's your side of the story?" Erick ignored him and stared at his shoes. "Not going to answer me so how about you take a ride with me down town. Sir you are free to go."

Tucker nodded and then went to his car and as soon as he got there he saw Maya parked next to him but didn't see Chris. "Where's my dad?" "I asked if he could watch Casie for me because I want to spend time with my boyfriend."

Tucker pulled Maya close and kissed her on the lips. "I'm surprised that Casie called me daddy." "Well you do do a lot for us more than Erick ever has." "Really?" "Yes really. You read to Casie almost every night and when Erick and I were dating he pretty much ignored her."

"He did?" "Yes I remember once when she had just started walking and she walked right up to him and waited for him to pick her up and he never did." "I can't imagine how she felt."

"I know." "Maya I look up to you." "Why do you say that?" "Most teen mom's with boyfriends like Erick get pressed into giving the baby up for adoption." "I didn't want my daughter going through what I went through."

"What do you mean you went through?" "What I'm about to see stays between us." "Got it." "Before I became pregnant with Casie I lived in a foster house with three other children." "Your a foster child?"

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