Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I know that Chris and Karl aren't together but I love their friendship and I know that Tucker is just a baby but he is older in my story

"Karl?" Karl woke up with a jump but looked at who addressed him. When he saw it was Chris he started to cry again. "I lost her I carried her for nine months and then I lost her."

Chris pulled Karl in for a hug and let him cry because he knew that she was safe in the nursery. Once Karl stopped crying Chris pulled him off his chest and made him look him in the eyes. "You didn't lose her she is in the nursery with all the other babies I'll go ask a nurse if you can see her."

As soon as Chris got done talking a nurse pushed in the cot she was sleeping in.
"You have a healthy baby girl." Chris looked down at the baby and then brought her over to the bed so Karl could see her. "Omg looked at her she so cute." "She looks like her papa." "No I think she looks just like her daddy."
Just then they got a knock on the door. "Come in."

It was Jimmy Nolan Chandler Tucker and Tyler with Chandler pushing Tyler's stroller.
"Somebody wanted to meet the newest recruit of the beast team and I texted the others that we were meeting her."

Tucker took Tyler out of his stroller and tried to carry him over to the bed. "Tuck Ty meet your new baby sister Brooklyn Merri Tyson-Jacobs." "Papa why dose Tyler and Brooklyn have your last name and mine and dad's last name but I don't have your last name?"

Chris look at his oldest son and then looked at Karl.
"Well it's because I wasn't engage to Karl yet I was still with your mom and we were a happy family just the three of us."
Chris decided to leave out the part were Katie had cheated on him. "If we were a happy family then why did you leave us?"

Chris sighed but before he could answer Tucker's question Jimmy told him it was time to leave. "Bye dad I love you bye papa love you." "We love you to Tuck Tuck."

The next morning

Karl was up feeding the baby from a bottle while Chris was asleep beside him. "Chris what time is your family coming?" "Five more minutes." Karl rolled his eyes and burped Brooklyn.
After she was changed Chris and Karl's came in Karl's mom and dad came over to give him a hug and they were the first ones to notice the baby in his arms.

"Oh my goodness she looks just like you did when you were a baby." Just then she started to cry.
The rest of them noticed her too.
"Oh Karl she's beautiful." "Has the boys came to see her yet?" "Thank you and yes they came yesterday after they got me settled." Karl looked over at Chris and saw that he had a proud smile on his face as their families awed at their baby. Chris noticed Karl and mouthed I love you.

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