Why do you humor him?

Start from the beginning

"I guess I always was," I say, tears blurring my vision slightly. I'd never really thought about that. Whether anyone ever saw my departure coming. "I just - I thought leaving would be better than admitting a lie. I'd rather be cast out than forced to obey what I don't believe in."

"I agree wholeheartedly with you," Sariel nodded, "Honesty is important as well as what you believe. However - you do know that leaving was unwise? Many view you as a traitor and the only reason you're safe is because the Supreme Deity has hope you will return. She hopes that living this life will give you some sense."

I sigh as I take in the Archangel's words. They echoed and rang in my head, making me pause from continuing my painting.

"Well...I'll continue to live senselessly," I say my voice quavering, but tone firm, "Even if it takes me a lifetime to find some 'sense', I'll stay here."

A silence filled the air as we both went back to our work. The sound of brushes and our classmates' chatter filled my ears, however they weren't processed. Instead I focused on the heavy stillness between me and the small student beside me.

"You truly are too innocent, Elizabeth," Sariel sighed as he broke the stillness and got up from his seat, "I'll give you a week to think about it. Otherwise I'll have to tell the others the unfortunate news. I was really hoping you'd return home."

He then exited the room, carrying a hall pass. Where did he even get that from?

I sighed.

"What was that about?" Diane quirked a brow as she looked at me, "Oh no, you're crying!"

"I am?" I touch my cheek to feel the familiar wetness of tears. I hadn't even noticed.

"What did he say to you?" King was still turned in the direction Sariel left, "I'll tell the Captain and we'll -"

"No it's fine," I smile softly, "It's just an old face."

"Are you sure?" Diane sat beside me, "If anyone's saying anything, we have no problem defending you. You're our friend after all."

A friend? I looked at them both, the short auburn-haired fairy and towering brunette. One was loud and brash and emotional; the other was quiet and pensive and controlled. They both looked like an odd pair, but complimented each other perfectly. I couldn't help but smile at the concerned expressions, my mind picturing them as a fussed old couple.

"I'm ok," I respond softly before grinning, "Like I said it was an old face."

"Ok..." Diane was still uncertain, "But I'll sit by you for the rest of the lesson. I don't want that jerk upsetting you again."

"He's not a jerk, he's just brutally honest," I laugh, but Diane insists he is. She goes off into a rant, getting King involved, and making me laugh profusely. I'm glad to be her friend.


"Lunch," Ban sighed as he plopped his tray down at the table, "The best subject of the day."

"Lunch isn't a subject," Gowther points out flaccidly.

Everyone seems to exchange knowing smiles at his words. Even though I'd only been here for a day, I could tell that Gowther didn't get the hang of figurative language. He always took things seriously, never getting when a joke or metaphorical thing was shared.

"Anyway, that's not why I asked Elizabeth to eat lunch with us," Merlin's eyes seemed to make contact with mine, before quickly flickering away. "We have something important to discuss with her."

"What could be so important that we risk getting our asses kicked?" Ban raised a brow as he pointed at a scowling Jericho.

I glanced over my shoulder to look at her and she seemed to frown with disappointment. Guila, Veronica and Griamore were with her, each wearing disapproving and yet protective looks on their faces. I tensed. I'd have to be careful with what I did and said to the Sins. One wrong move and I'd probably set them all off.

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