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"My heart is a ocean and you're my boat"


"Where is my chicken soup"

"Dad tell him I'm very hungry, where is my chicken soup. "

"Zayn I'll die please be fast bring my soup and omlet."

"Let me help this poor guy he's also tired harry, he's awake whole night just for you."

"No he deserve this punishment .Who told him to leave me for that boring meeting and not only that zayn will cook my lunch and dinner as well, I want pineapple cake,then spaghetti and um noodles and soup."
Harry said while laying on the couch like a prince he is,while his boyfriend was in the kitchen from morning making dish after dish for harry. And whenever Ronald will try to help him wih anything curly will bring him back with only one dialogue "zayn loves me so much he don't need your help right zee" and well zayn don't have any option except to nod his head like always.

"You're still baby harry"
Ronald whispered with a small chuckle leaving his mouth. The only thing his heart is scared about is,this happiness shouldn't be ruined by anyone. Two months ago harry was is his heart but now zayn is his heartbeat ,and he can't bear anything bad happen to them.

" if I can't help my son ,then I'll do my work. I'll be in my room just call me if you need anything ok"
He said and kissed his forehead and harry gave his sweet little smile ,he has been using this smile for years now ,no matter how angry ronald is but this special smile always works on him.

But before moving ronald gave him a look which says "don't torture him he's trying his best and he loves you so much"and curly ignored him with his cheeky dimple cheeks.


"Need any help mr.malik"
Curly whispered in his ear while hugging him from behind and when zayn didn't react he started kissing his neck.

"Why're you mad at me"
But zayn ignored him and started chopping tomatos and as harry tried to kiss his lips he turned his face away ,now Harry was boiling with fake anger he stomped his foot like a small kid and grabbed zayn's hand and started dragging him towards his room.

Lunch long forgotten.

Now zayn was laying on bed with harry on top of him holding him like his favourite teddy bear. And zayn is his favourite teddy bear according to harry he's softer than cotton.He peppered his face with lots of kisses and when he got tired of kissing him,he just laid his head on his chest very close to his heart.

"still mad !I'm sorry "
He mumbled on his clothed chest ,but zayn didn't replied. So he kissed his lips again and again and again till zayn started laughing.

Zayn pulls his face close to his lips and whispered in his mouth that "I was never mad, I was just enjoying my sweet kisses from my gorgeous boyfriend."

"mr.liar I won't talk to you"

"Really remember tomorrow you told me I'm the most handsome boyfriend on this planet, and on our first date you told me that you'll choose me in front of Tom cruise and two days before I was more stronger than your thor and now you're saying you won't talk to me."

Harry wanted to argue back but he don't know what to say ,so he shut his mouth and kissed his lover's lips with all the love and devotion he has for his zayn,his everything,his forever and ever.

"Yes my zayn is more strong then any superhero.Cause I feel safe in his arms ,and I know he'll always save me from everyone."

"Your zayn seems really nice guy,but how come an angel like you fell in love with him"
Zayn whispered while removing some curls from his lover's forehead then he kissed his cheeks which were already flushed from zayn's compliment.

"I don't know ,but zayn is my soul and soulmate and I want to tell him that ...
he moves his face lil bit more close to his ear and then whispered "I'm very hungry please feed me something."

And with that he ran towards kitchen leaving zayn alone with his intoxicating smell and heat. He smiled to himself and ran after him but before lunch they both played a little hide & seek, and Robin was screaming at them cause he was on call. But they didn't listen cause they are stubborn lovers who are crazy about eachother.


After dinner harry was in the shower and zayn was helping ronald with his bedding,but he wanted to ask him something but it was very hard for his shy character .But Ronald was his dad not just for saying he can feel what zayn want so he made him sit on his bed and pour two glass of wine.

"You can tell me anything you know that right, except that you don't love my baby cause then I'll break your nose"
He said while sipping his wine and they both smiled at eachother.

"Dad um I was wondering I mean we should, I've a vacation plan for all of us what do you think me you and harry away from this crowd for a month,it'll be fun and harry will love that place."

Ronald smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"That's amazing plan but just for you and harry, and don't you worry I'll convince that stubborn to go without me."


"Zayn Malik I'm your dad and he's your love spend some time with him, don't be like him.He's still baby always wants be everywhere ,you should take him on vacation and shower my baby with your love and I've so much work here I can't leave everything."

After that zayn tried to convince him that he will handle all his work,but Ronald denied his offer while joking I don't want to be a third wheel.


"Where were you mister. I'm so tired ,give me my goodnight kiss I'm very sleepy."

And the only thought that emerge in his mind was "no one will take you away from me, you're my baby and always will"...

Zayn kissed him,and they fell asleep in eachother arms ,peacefully away from everyone just two pure souls who share an bond which is made in heaven .

Dreaming about eachother and heartbeat beating for eachother.


Just obsessed with easy on me by Adele she's amazing. 😭😭😭

Tell me your current favourite song

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Lots of love 💕💝💕💝

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