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"Harry and zayn, zayn and harry"


"Thank god!I was so worried ,where were you i miss you so much baby ,I'm---

"Harry is sick zayn ,he told me not to tell you that's why I kept his phone on silent but when I saw so many messages, I thought I should tell you."

His smile vanished from his face ,he left his meeting with a small nod towards dan.

"What happen can I talk to him please"

When Ronald didn't replied him for a minute, zayn was sure that there's something serious going on with harry.

"Actually he's very weak , but he wants to hear your voice."

When Ronald entered in harry's room he was wrapped in heavy blankets, and his eyes were stuck on a photo of him and zayn,which Ronald clicked few days back while he was in zayn's lap and zayn was teasing him about that horror movie in which harry cried a lot.

Ronald walk towards him and kissed his son's forehead and harry tried to gave him a sweet smile though his eyes were filled with painful tears.

"Zayn is really worried. He wants to talk to you, please talk to him."

Harry shook his head while wiping his tears, but when zayn whispered that please talk to me , Ronald left him alone with that phonecall.

There was complete silence harry gripped that phone tightly in his hand, and he started crying and on the other side zayn's heart was aching to hold harry in his arms.

"I need you zayn. please come back."

As soon as those words left harry's mouth Zayn ran towards his car ,without giving a single glance to his ongoing meeting cause his everything needs him.

"I'll be there in an hour ok, don't cry harry. I'm on my way, please don't cry."
Zayn said speeding his car at its highest speed, it's his fault. He should've never left him alone. Cause after two months of their relationship the one thing zayn was sure about is harry hate to be away from him, he needs him everywhere.


Finally after one hour of driving though for him it was like eternal, he knocked on the door furiously face full of sweat and eyes are blurry with some invisible tears . When Ronald opened the door Zayn hugged him tightly and his tears betrayed him.

"You should've told me before, dad I was so worried yo--y----"
He whispered in his shoulder and Ronald started rubbing his back while whispering that everything is fine and harry will be fine .He kissed his forehead and offered him a glass of water which he denied cause he haven't seen his harry's face yet.

"Go he's asleep, but he'll awake after few minutes and please try to feed him something he's very weak."
Zayn gave him a lip tied smile and walked towards his lover's room.

And when he entered in his room harry was sleeping on his bed , phone still attached to his chest.zayn smiled at him and took that phone from his loose grip.He was fast asleep while light snores leaving his mouth, zayn slowly kissed his lips and sat beside him, he started rubbing his knuckles and he stirred in his sleep.

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